Sting operation: the NRA explains to white nationalist Australian political party how to deflect gun control calls after a massacre

Pauline Hanson, the evil witch at the top of the One Nation Party has only just appeared to blame everyone else but her cronies for the situation. Apparently she didn’t do it earlier because she was suffering from a tick bite on the face.

I know everyone is very concerned and wants to know more. But I’m sorry to say there’s no news about the tick.

“Just shame them to the whole idea,” said Lars Dalseide, another member of the NRA’s public relations team. “If your policy, isn’t good enough to stand on itself, how dare you use their deaths to push that forward. How dare you stand on the graves of those children to put forward your political agenda?”

Dickson responded: “I love that, thank you”.

This made me feel sick, I literally feel nauseous.


I thought the whole point of being a xenophobic Nationalist was to reject cultural influences from outside your own borders.


The Australian right has drawn funding and other support from the USA for a very long time.

Quadrant magazine (the main publication of the “intellectual” right in Australia; think William F Buckley and The National Review) was founded by the CCF.


Yes. Yes I AM going to stand on the graves of the children and demand a political answer : get rid of the guns that killed these kids.

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I miss the old NRA.

They have good reason to want to see Australia’s gun laws watered down. Every time there’s a mass shooting in the US, inevitably someone says “Australia used to have mass shootings, then it introduced strict gun laws, and now it doesn’t.” - which is perfectly true in Australia; but would be far harder to implement in the US due to the sheer number of guns available, and the massive amount of time it would take for those numbers to drop once sane gun laws came in.

But just because something is hard and will take a while; doesn’t mean it is not a good idea.

Australia’s gun laws are a good idea. The US should follow them. As NZ appears to be trying to do right now.


After leaving Australian politics for a short while, the leader of “One” Nation decided she’d had enough of Australia and was going to move to the UK. She eventually gave up on that idea, because:

“I love England but so many people want to leave there because it’s overrun with immigrants and refugees”.

The irony of not wanting to emigrate somewhere because there were too many immigrants did not appear to cross her mind; because of course white immigrants are not the same as brown or yellow ones.

More recently, one of her star Senators was found to be unconstitutionally elected, because he was in fact not of One Nation, but was actually a dual UK-Australian citizen.

So no I don’t think it is so much about borders, as it is about being a hateful bunch of shit fucks.

Australia used to have quite a different gun culture though. John Howard, the conservative PM who introduced our now globally famous gun laws following the Port Arthur massacre was absolutely despised by a lot of people as he tried to introduce that legislation. He received death threats and at one famous speech he wore a bullet proof vest.

People often talk about culture and laws as if they don’t influence each other. But just as laws are written because people within a culture demand it; laws then shape the culture that follows.


Data makes no difference. Here in the States, we can’t even allow good ideas, for that is the slippery slope to communism, or something.

I was in Australia in 1998 during much of the rise and (presumed) fall of Pauline Hanson. I was frankly pretty shocked when I learned she was suddenly culturally relevant again, but then again that was also my reaction when Donald Trump got that Celebrity Apprentice gig.


Of course not. It is those immigrants form “shithole countries” that are the problem. Maybe more from Norway would do the trick?


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