Strange "pillar to heaven" photographed in sky over Thailand

Originally published at: Strange "pillar to heaven" photographed in sky over Thailand - Boing Boing

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but but… what about the other “pillar” just to the left (indicated by the poorly drawn magenta arrow)? Or that if one looks to the bottom margin (left out of the one view) that it appears as over a body of water wherein the more interesting sorts of mirages (e.g. Fata Morgana) occur?


Are you kidding? That magenta arrow is as handsome as they come!


Hide your kids!

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How is everyone’s going on about that stupid gap and no one’s questioning the arrow?


I recall that when I was 10 or so, my exceptionally religious aunt (the one that gave money to Jim Baker) had a photograph of a cloudy sky wherein a cross was superimposed such that it appeared to be floating in the air. At the time I did marvel and wonder how such a thing could exist, but even then I looked for a mundane answer.

Thank you The Amazing Randi and related reading for all that information on double exposures, forced perspective, and other tricks for lying with “photographic evidence.”


Earth Aliens GIF by Lil Dicky


Wow, there’s one photograph of it? It was caused by a person with a copy of photoshop and 5 minutes of free time. Case closed, Captain Disillusion has better things to do probably.

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6am Sunday morning. I was around 60 km north of Kanchanaburi (Thailand) waiting for the sunrise over the hills to the east. The first photo it looked like a column and the second it appeared to be breaking up. I’ve posted these photos on Facebook, Discord, X etc but no one has come back to me with a good explanation. Boingboing won’t let me upload photos or include a link so search Twitter for Transum

Welcome to BoingBoing, stay a little while longer and you’ll get more posting privileges. Everyone here is really chill and there aren’t any bots (except for that one, but it only speaks when spoken to, as proper!)

Correction it was 6:10am Monday morning (21 Oct 2024).

Looks to be a contrail from something that were town apart by upper atmosphere wind. The contrail could be a plane, but seems more likely space debris reentering, as someone posted on your twitter. Given you were western thailand and looking east - something being deorbited to crash into the south china sea.

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It really looks like a waterspout, but I guess there were no bodies of water in the area where it was taken?