Strategic butt-coverings in video-games

Fucking perfect. Thank you. Literally perfect. Bravo. 5/5 - will steal and post as needed. :slight_smile:

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I’m not saying that ALL the points she makes are invalid, just that it feels like a lot of what she says… isn’t necessarily accurate. Both of those statements can be true. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I understand that angle, but I also recognzie that the goalposts just moved a little. When we go from “Making games is hard,” to “Well, it’s just a derailing technique,” I get that both of those can be true, but I also get that it’s another reason to refuse to engage in a disccussion. I mean, for example, there’s a lot of stupid “entertainment for men” out there. I don’t like it, so I don’t engage in it, and I try to encourage other men to stop participating, too, because it’ll dry up. (Hey, Penthouse finally went out of business, but that was because of the Internet.)

I personally would love to see more people making games because I am dissatisfied with AAA games. That’s no out of some overt call for diversity or anything like that, I simply recognize that having female characters being buxom bimbos in distress, and guys being macho soldier types, is lazy. We need more creativity imho, and if it means we end up getting a whole lot more shovelware along with the gold, so be it.

I remember Anita Sarkeesian putting up a video of a video game idea about a princess who not only wasn’t a damsel in distress, she saves herself, and rejects monarchy. I could see that being done as an AGI/Scumm style adventure game.


That’s where you’re (especially) wrong, my (potentially) good man.


I appreciate the point that many people can make their own games now. But the “why don’t you just make your own game” criticism is just as hollow as it would be if someone criticized the sexism in Twilight and was told, “why don’t you just write your own novel.” They could write their own novel, and Twilight would still be there as a massively sexist cultural touchpoint.

I make my own games that probably a few dozen people end up playing. If I wanted to be an effective critic of current videogames, making my own games would not be the way to do it - I probably get more notice posting on this forum than I do with any of my creations.


I don’t understand… I mean, I think I do, but I want to think better of you than what my conclusion is telling me, so I really need you to explain this.

What is “it” that you don’t have a stake in? Because I really don’t want to think that that the “it” you don’t have a stake in is the treatment of women in media and their representation in media and society as a whole.


So not ALL of her points are invalid, just maybe most of them. Gotcha, that’s helpful. Helluva critique you’ve got there.


I gave an example in another comment I left. It’s easy to take a kernel of truth and turn it into more than it is. It often seems like the examples she’s using, when you look at the broader picture, don’t fit. So her points may sometimes be valid, but the examples she’s using to confirm her points often feel flimsy to me. Makes it all feel half-assed, and to me at least, like the points she’s bringing up can’t be as important as she claims they are or she’d be able to find better examples.

[quote=“Missy_Pants, post:204, topic:72494”]
Because I really don’t want to think that that the “it” you don’t have a stake in is the treatment of women in media and their representation in media and society as a whole.
[/quote]It’s not. Just my poor prose. By “it” I really mean I don’t have a stake in Anita’s brand. I’m talking more broadly than just Tropes vs. Women in Video Games. First section is entirely about Tropes vs Women in Video Games, the second is about Anita as a critic of media as a whole, the third is about how I will continue to not only watch her Tropes vs. videos but also look at her other material as presented by feminist frequency.

I still doubt that conveys what I was trying to get across, but hopefully it’s better. I am a major supporter of feminism and of people making waves in the name of feminism, but even with that in mind I am not a fan of Anita specifically.


Yeah, I get it – whenever some uppity woman with half a brain rears up on her hind legs and starts spewing out some blather about how women are still treated differently from men or some such castrating horseshit, any vague excuse to dismiss what she’s trying to articulate with that feeble lady-brain of hers will do.


No laughter is allowed in the normative airplane. =(

Friend, factual accuracy is not a matter of feeling.

So _at least on_e of those statements cannot be true.

But sure… she speaks without accuracy and says invalid things. her her her.

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If you wanted to show how easy the whole thing was to destroy, you could just share your collection of man butt images with us.


Wow, this response seems… a little over the top. I’m a woman myself, and I work in a male-dominated field. I’ve experienced this “different treatment” myself, that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to disagree with a “feminist”. I never made ANY COMMENT about her as a person, simply about her videos. Not being allowed to critique goes both ways, and you’re basically proving my point for me.

When I can watch a video, and most of the examples she gives have to pause the video and go “But wait, she’s taken this clip way out of context because _____”, then i’m sorry, your argument isn’t very good. And while watching her older videos (granted, i did watch this one, it’s a bit better in that regard) I did that ALL THE TIME.


You forgot the aviator goggles.

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You mentioned Zelda in a comment where you said you hadn’t watched the video yet, but could you give us something specific/precise? Zelda’s not even in the video we’re talking about.

I can’t think of many examples that buck the trend.

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What’s the kernel of truth to her video?

The broader picture of…swimming pools? Dump truck reviews? Is a kernel of truth still truth, or is it just sorta a mild truth that nobody believes?

Which of her points are valid? Which of her points are not valid? Jesus fucking christ will you point to something fucken concrete, any-godamn-thing, and say THAT RIGHT THERE IS NOT RIGHT?

Christ. Kee. Fucking. Ryst. On a dildo-encrusted jabberwocky. Do tell: which of the asses shown in the next few images belong to feeeeeeemale or male video game characters:

It’d probably be easier if you just replied, “#notallchickbutts” or something.


Some thing aged.

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You owe me a coke.

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