Strategic butt-coverings in video-games

You should give the process a try.

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She’s the one talking in her videos, so making a comment about a thing she’s said… I’m pretty sure that’s fair. No comments calling her names, I’m commenting on her opinions and ideas. Completely different.


And it shows. Do go on to offer youself further accolades, you’re reaaaaly making her look just awful.


Just not on any particular ones. While repeatedly and vaguely telling us instead about the feelings that “her opinions and ideas” (but not “her,” no, of course not her!) provoke in you.

It’s not helpful. Really.


Yeah, I honestly don’t have a good example from this video. After watching it, I will say she’s done a better job on it than on previous videos in that regard for completely taking clips out of context.

I will, however say that I think Nathan Drake’s ass was a bad example for male butts… That’s a pretty attractive ass from a female’s perspective (or mine, at least)

Do you see any difference between

“she takes clips out of context”


“I do not like the context she puts clips in”

Personal Agency is hard, hope you get there soon.


Small collection (is a specimen really a collection?), but I’m proud of you for sharing this man butt. You might want to rewatch the video a little, since there was a little more than just the butt visibility that was discussed, but I’ll still give you a C. You pass.

Some examples for your consideration in case you wonder why you didn’t get an A and are too lazy to review the video:

All grades are final.

Also, thank you for being the first explicit #NotAllButts advocate.


It gets more and more aggressively Republican as the seasons go on. And the one area I have some expertise in was factually wrong, which makes me wonder how accurate the rest of it is. That’s a pet peeve for me: for the amount of money and effort that goes into TV shows these days, make sure you’re not having your characters do and/or say things that make people in-the-know roll their eyes and laugh at the screen.


I haven’t seen her other stuff, so this is my first introduction. I’ll probably check some others out for curiosity’s sake now.

True on Nathan Drake’s butt, at least it’s butt-like and not totally covered by a trenchcoat or anything.

I wonder if this is also something that happens during the marketing and refinement process…where male butts get covered up even if the developers were totally cool with them because the people they have to pitch to ‘might not like seeing man-butt’. So maybe the initial trend is pro-butt but man-butts get slowly filtered out as they work their way towards release.

They certainly were a chore to get through, I’ll allow that.

This is about the male gaze, isn’t it.

Okay, I get the point, emphasizing on the body will dehumanize the character and furthering objectifies marginalized individuals. We should do away with this ideology of the human body and focus on bridging the relationships between individuals.

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There’s an ED article on Sarkeesian.

Comments are never the option once you’re on Encyclopedia Dramatica.


Butt, butt…well, okay.



So your chosen method of addressing this problem is…to whine about it online. Physician heal thyself.


I see what you’re getting at here, but think of this:

The fact that a supporting female character in one game saves the main male character during the beginning of the game does not remove the fact that the main male character spends the entire game saving a bog-standard damsel in distress. Or that in the Zelda series, Link has spent multuple games over the course of the last 30 years saving damsels in distress.

The existence of one non-damsel doesn’t suddenly mean that all those other damsels don’t exist, or that she’s wrong for pointing them out.

Anita’s intent with these videos is to critique the portrayal of women in video games. So the examples she chooses are examples where these portrayals need critiquing. If an example doesn’t need critiquing, she’s not likely to spend much time on it because that’s not what she’s talking about (generally - she’s got a few videos where she presents examples of games getting it right, including in this video, where she points out Alice - Madness Returns and the dichotomy between the box art and the gameplay in Beyond Good & Evil).

You seem to be taking issue with the fact that she’s not talking a lot about where the games DON’T fail, but patting people on the back for doing the right thing isn’t nearly as important as showing them where they went wrong. The former is nice, but it teaches us nothing. The latter is essential, and it’s part of why her videos are invaluable. The idea isn’t to give out gold stars for not being awful (“Congratulations on Not Being Sexist” shouldn’t be a thing, it should just be the expectation of normal human action), the idea is to show where games could be better. And one place where even Twilight Princess could be better is if it questioned the whole “Save Zelda” stock plotline more.



If you really meant to do that then you need to work on that skill. “She miscontrues things to fit her agenda” and “She’s picking and choosing really closely to make it seem like…” are both attacks on a person not comments on what they said. They both imply that there is a sinister motive for what is being said and that she was being intentionally deceptive.

Maybe on another subject I wouldn’t be so sensitive to this, but this isn’t exactly the first Sarkeesian video thread, and comments that suggest she is being deceptive are usually the tip of a very ugly iceberg.

If there is an actual argument about the weakness of her examples, then it would have to be an argument that the examples she uses are genuinely misrepresentative. It’s not enough for them to be taken out of context from the games themselves. If there is a very good reason for butts or damsel rescues or whatever in any given game she raises, then that raises the question of why we keep making games in which there is a very good reason for those things.

If she is picking examples of things that are genuinely isolated and extremely rare then that’s misrepresentative (e.g., if I were to point to David Cameron and say Britain had a rampant problem with pig-fucking Prime Ministers), if she is picking examples that themselves can be argued with but that still show part of a larger problem then accusations of “closely choosing” examples are unfounded (e.g., if I were to say that in many old NES platformers you press B to shoot and use Super Mario Brothers as an example, the fact that you mostly can’t shoot in that game and you need a fireflower to do so wouldn’t really change the general pattern).


I also think they imply that there is a narrative that is won and lost

Agency, etc…

I didn’t punch a baby today, you guys! WHERE IS MY COOKIE? No cookie? I mean, you always point out that it’s a problem when I punch babies, but when I DON’T punch babies, I don’t get cookies? Well, I suppose you’re failing to properly curb baby-punching. You should all be sad about how much you’re failing and how many babies get punched as a result of you not giving me cookies.


I think we could say @neonflame failed to (puts on sunglasses) cover his ass.