Strategic butt-coverings in video-games

(Can we create a thread that’s only reaction gifs to pictures of butts, but the butt pics aren’t posted? Too meta or weird?)

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Wait–are there idris Elba butt shots?!?

I feel the need to find out.



I bet there are… if not, there needs to be. Holy shit…


Best I can find in five seconds.


Close enough… I just want to look at Idris Elba, because Idris Elba…

Actually, we need a video game where the POV is staring at Idris Elba’s ass! STAT!!! BROGRAMMERS, GET ON THAT SHIT, PLEASE!!!


Did you ever play the video game PaRappa the Rapper? Brett’s rap in Sugar Lumps is a direct rip off of one of the challenges from PaRappa, and I wondered if this was a planned layer of genius from the Conchords???

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OMG, it’s Parappa all the way down?!




Is a “Buisiness” a kind of butt?

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In one sense, most definitely. Oh, on an unrelated note, did I mention I finally finished my intellectual freedom elimination seminar, did the full practicum on free expression suppression techniques, and got the full video-game critique techniques to threaten the way of life for every male gamer? Now that I have my official Social Justice Warrior Enforcement License I can’t wait to join the great video game purge.


All you gotta do now is become a Regular. :slightly_smiling:


I admit, as a young man I would play the original TR and marvel at the “camera angles” with my buddies. But I also remember how excited we were about Lara, a female being such a bad ass, it was refreshing and in my eyes even… empowering?? So I do sexualize women, but I also consider women my equal (I feel embarrassed to even have to say that, like it devalues both myself and women).

And in a narrow view, isn’t sexualization a form of empowerment? Is it not the other aspects of how some men treat women that is really the problem?

So this is a perilous edge to be on, and I don’t know how to reconcile my feelings about it. I am aware that my instincts are being used against me commercially, and malleable children need positive roles (non superficial) as they develop, but where do I go from here? I like women, and I like sexy women.

yeah yeah, more #notallbros bullshit. But seriously, where do I go next?

Even with an official SJWEL I still hit the like limits a few times a day. :unamused:
The worst are the ‘Please wait 6 hours before attempting to stifle intellectual freedom again’ ones. I still don’t get the limit on the suppression of only 100 free thoughts a day?


By “we” do you mean you and me? If so, no. I’m just some weirdo with no say, special powers, or knowledge over your previous behavior that got you banned. You’d want to speak to @falcor about your previous ban and newly created account.

I’m also very tired, a bit obnoxious, and generally insufferable, so you really don’t want to have a dialog with me. I speak for noone but me (with limited exceptions), and am not a mutant emissary. I’m not even a Regular (or a normal).


Some Christian religious movements prescribe a piece of a clothing known as a cape dress for “modesty”. I think they’re supposed to make women’s figures uninteresting. Is the waist an “eye trap”, or am I mixing up my sects?

If we all hope very, very hard…


I personally felt like the more recent Tomb Raiders did an excellent job of making Lara more of a realistic proto-badass in her early career with an interesting narrative progression, and with reasonable clothing too, way way less about ogling “ass angles”. Hey look, pants!

That’s why it’s especially disappointing to see the old Tomb Raiders being dredged up and called out as problems in the screenshots of the video, because the new TR games are really quite good at exactly what you’re describing – “where do I go next?”

Just play the last two iterations in the TR series. In that specific case, we’ve already moved on to a better place. Hell, just look at the image I posted, better yet, play the games – they’re very good.