Stray kitty learns how to be house cat by copying every single move new feline brother makes (video)

Originally published at: Stray kitty learns how to be house cat by copying every single move new feline brother makes (video) - Boing Boing


Blaming Spider-Man GIF


Well, it seems I can be the first to note that this is the well-known Copy Cat.


Cats DO watch and learn from each other.

Not long ago I adopted two adult cats, one male, one female. I already had one slightly older male cat.

The family merger broadened their diets as each cat learned to eat what the others were eating. (Felix had taken his food preferences from his older sister, who only trusted seafood Pâtés.)

The female (who doesn’t even like boys) quickly adopted some of the habits of her new elder brother, such as:

  • coming to visit me at night and laying down on my chest.
  • coming to visit me when I eat at my desk (she never caught onto the fact that Felix was sharing bites of my food… neither of the newcomers has learned that human food is OK to eat).
  • and trying to bury her food after eating (I really wish she hadn’t picked up that habit).

The young male was just happy to have an older brother to wrestle with. Felix had never had a willing playmate. It took him a few days, but he became a gung-ho wrestler.


Link to the video: TikTok - Make Your Day



(1st Copy Cat reference in the OP.)


They watch and learn from the dogs, too. We got our first cat from a dog-heavy household, and he would always come greet us at the door and would sometimes even growl if there was someone at the door he didn’t know. He spoke fluent dog, was black-belt in dog combat and the neighbourhood pooches knew this. When they were walked past him on their leashes, as he sat on the porch, he would flex his shoulders and receive in return cringes of humility and subservience.


I see the video is about two different cats, but I saw the cover photo and pictured two oranges just staring at each other, beachball spinning between them.


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