Student editorial in Fresno: Trump is like Hitler

GOP shoots! And … Oh, no!


yes, and take down the rest of the GOP with him.

But he is backing a plan to detain and relocate families based on their race.

Incorrect. He is targeting anyone crossing the southern border. Not all Mexicans, nor Central Americans are of the same race. Some are of European descent. So it’s not racism. Turning it into a race issue cheapens and discredits your argument. And he doesn’t incite violence. That’s silly. Saying he would punch a guy for doing xyz, isn’t inciting (def: encouraging others to do so).

Such statements statements and accusations on your part are, themselves, xenophobic and inflammatory and lies.

You can find very valid points to make against him without slinging silly incorrect accusations (read: lies) around.

You’re objectively wrong.

Bullshit. Saying trump is a xenophobic ass is probably the truest thing you can say about him.

Oh yes, we’re the liars. I find it ironic that you’re calling us liars while lying yourself.

Tell us everything about ourselves, O towering pillar of the community, Brent_Kaufman

Judging by your stats, you don’t seem to even like being here.


Pffft. Trump had most certainly incited racism and violence. Gotta go back to work so I can’t dig up citations, but I’m sure someone will be along shortly with proof.


Did the reporters get this quote right?

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you,” [Trump] said. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”


Aw, he’s just trying to tag along after Steve King:

They’re just trying to uphold the Republican’s platform on the issues, ie immigrants and furriners are immoral, bad people who are worthless and lazy, and probably are raping your sister right now OH GOD!


Has Trump been accurately quoted about Muslims — calling for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States …”?


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