Study finds 22-minute walk offsets mortality associated with sitting on butt all day

Originally published at: Study finds 22-minute walk offsets mortality associated with sitting on butt all day | Boing Boing


So, from TFA, this study is evaluating risk that, because I sit for long periods of time, I will die in the next three years?

What about if I do it until 2035?

As a layperson, I call shenanigans. Seems like a correlation not causation thing.

On the other hand, my grandad’s cardiologist told him to walk 2 miles a day and he would live a long time post bypass. That seemed to work, and impressed me. But this study…


Is this only for young Mule deer, or also for humans?


If you chase a young mule deer for 22 minutes a day, you’ll live to be 104.


If I’m not matching speed with someone else is about 6.2kph. Do I need to speed up or walk longer? (Also, that’s not my jogging speed – that’s around 10kph on longer runs.)

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the era of the cage aka the car cannot be over fast enough


A 22 minute walk is not the same as 22 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity.

Unless your walk is uphill and elevates your heart rate.

My wife and I take long walks, as in 3 to 5 miles and sometimes upwards of 10, those walks are good for us but not as good as when we run for 30 to 45 minutes.

The key is elevating your heart rate but do not do that if you’ve been sedentary without talking to your doctor or working up to it slowly.


The photo shows a buck on a road, about to be run over by a car. Coincidentally, that’s about how I feel about 22 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity!


I took it as a reminder to wear fluorescent orange while getting those 22 minutes in this fall.


4 miles per hour is quite a strain for us sedentary folks. I wonder how it translates into going up stairs. My parents lived in a no-elevators 4 story building and all non-smoking residents lived into their 90s, without any designated exercise time (Eastern Europe).

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