Originally published at: SunnyD releases an alcoholic version for depressed 90s kids | Boing Boing
“Nah, I’ll take that purple stuff.”
Oh, the stuff made with cough syrup back in the day? /s
In twenty years give-or-take I could get down with some 8% A.B.V. Go-Gurt. Bring it on!
And I’m a child of the 80’s!
Edit: what is the unit measurement of Go-Gurt? Are they “rods” of Go-gurt?
Gen-Z please inform.
“Hugs” in the plastic barrel with the foil cap?
Ma just used to put the cough syrup in that just to trick us.
What next? Everclear Ecto Cooler? Flintstones vitamin edibles? The centre of the venn diagram of nostalgia, psychoactive substances and sweet food is a veritable well of highly marketable ideas.
Considering what their “orange juice” is like, I’d hate to think of the “vodka” that they added.
Sunny D is such a strange concoction I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it actually was initially conceived as a vodka mixer that then found an additional market in kids.
If you’re into sad, low-budget cocktails there’s always the Tequila Sunny-D-rise.
Missed opportunity. A brass monkey is Sunny-D and malt liquor. My early Beastie Boys and early onset alcoholism would be so into that! Vodka? That’s a no for me, dog.
I remember in grade school one of my Capri-Suns fermented and was carbonated. So I guess for the lucky few “hard capri suns” already exist?
After a particularly brutal board meeting, a SunnyD junior executive attempted to create a mimosa with whatever ingredients could be found in his luggage and the hotel minibar.
… maybe Hard Tang™ for Generation X
Well… it’s 2023, folks. By my math, 90’s kids are all over 21. I have trouble seeing what the hoopla is about.
I never had any “SunnyD” - I always assumed it was a juice mix, based on the advertising, but I see it’s sugar water with “2% or less of concentrated juices”… yikes. You’d be better off trying to make mimosas by mixing grain alcohol with Mountain Dew.
It’s been 37 years but at the end of my drinking days I was up to a fifth or more many days.
My drink of choice was lots of vodka and orange juice or Southern Comfort and orange juice.
The purple stuff in high school was Mad Dog (MD 20/20).
These drinks really are marketing to young people, in our day it was wine coolers. California Cooler, Bartles and James, etc…
We have Riunite on Ice to thank for our daughter. That was good stuff to a couple teenagers.