☭ Sup Marxists? ☭

Continuing the discussion from New Hugo Award categories for puppies:

Dear lord, I’ve learned far too much about puppies and this Vox character than I think I can stomach.

But from that Stross post…

Vox Day writes:

It’s time for the church leaders and the heads of Christian families to start learning from #GamerGate, to start learning from Sad Puppies, and start leading. Start banding together and stop accommodating the secular world in any way. Don’t hire those who hate you. Don’t buy from those who wish to destroy you. Don’t work with those who denigrate your faith, your traditions, your morals, and your God. Don’t tolerate or respect what passes for their morals and values.


At least all the terrible people are kind enough to group together. Makes things easier for me.

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