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Feminist Orthodoxy - what does it mean?

Does anyone have any legit discourses on it? Cause from my brief googling it sounds a bit like “cultural marxism” - a way to misrepresent and slight Feminism.


Anytime the word “Orthodoxy” is used, when not applied to an organized religion (or other group) that believes themselves to be orthodox, it is an unorthodox usage of the term.




If publicised correctly, in the presence of several fully accredited and licensed dental practitioners.

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I’m trying to decide how much effort to put into a reply to that guy. One of the more subtle trolls I’ve seen, but the way he describes feminism is laughable.


Pretty much it’s code for most feminists hate men and are just like Valerie Solanis…


“How big is the yuppie part of town?”

“Town? The whole worlds like this now…”


Hrm. Reading his post (and not having yet slogged through all the comments to get there), he seems to be using “feminist orthorodox as seen in this thread” as a specific example of people positing an orthodox line of thought, and silencing others. Not that there is a capital-F, capital-O Feminist Orthodoxy. His whole post seems to be saying “there is a plurality of feminism, but only one kind is accepted in this thread, while others are not.”

Not having slogged through the comments to get there I don’t know how accurate that assessment it.

But I certainly don’t see him putting up a straw-feminist to simplify things. He’s complaining of the exact opposite.


We do often suffer from group-think. Usually it’s pointed out by total assholes and gets dismissed right along with their bigotry. But it doesn’t mean they were wrong.


It exists only in the heads of MRAs.

Social conservative projection at its finest.

While doing exactly the same. I’ll never understand why people make so many excuses for this tactic.


But it’s people who disagree with feminists and think feminists are all some stereotype who employ that term… I do agree that there is a plurality of feminisms and we shouldn’t shut differing opinions down, but how far do you go with that line of thinking? Really, the biggest blind spot for many mainstream, white feminists is regarding minority and transgendered women. When white, cisgendered feminists start making racists and transphobic comments do we consider that acceptable?

How are we driven by group think here, though? I do think we have a pretty diverse group with a plethora of opinions on a number of different issues.

[ETA] I do agree with @Phrenological on this issue, though and @FoolishOwl… from what I saw, the person is clearly a troll attempting to shut down criticism of gamer gate…

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Well, yeah, there is a plurality of feminism and apparently sex-positive feminists embrace gender essentialism as their core principle?!? He might want to ask some sex-positive feminists before saying that. Gender essentialism is objectively incorrect, gross and almost universally anti-trans. I don’t know anyone who would call themselves a sex-positive feminist who would agree to it.

To me, his whole post is saying that if he just uses enough words he can pretend that there is a principled reason for even people who support the equality of women to reject all of this video-game-culture-is-misogynist stuff and get on with supporting Gamergate.


Really? I mean there is a fair amount of troll accounts being set up (and taken down), but also the usual defense of feminist values and women in gaming…

I dunno… it’s probably a useless excercise in that you’re not going to change the trolls, nor are the trolls going to change us.

Did you just delete what you wrote WHILE I WAS WRITING??? Ack!


Have you been following any of the recent drama around Ophelia Benson?

No… what’s that about? I’ve never heard of her. From her wikipedia, I’m guessing her POV is similar to that of Paglia? Looks like she wrote a book about women in faith… the title reminds me of this song:

It turns out there is an Elsa K who blogs on Destructoid, and she’s pretty consistent – she wrote about her dislike of Sarkeesian in 2012. So, not a fake persona – rather, someone who either somehow remained oblivious to Gamergate’s nature, or who was indifferent to it.


She’s a Seattle feminist and atheist writer/blogger. I can’t remember why I ended up following her on twitter, I think it was because she had been calling out Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins for sexism. Or it might have been something to do with Jesus & Mo…

Anyway, she was sometimes interesting to read, but she seems to have fallen down into a unpleasant transphobic hole somewhere regarding that Caitlyn Jenner Vanity Fair cover/article.

This is what kicked everything off, I think.

So she looks great, so what? Isn’t Jezebel supposed to be at least nominally feminist? Isn’t feminism in large part about not reducing women to their looks? Why does that suddenly change when the subject is a trans woman? What am I missing here?



I barely looked at that thread - I guess I’ve had my fill of those discussions - but what I read from Elsa_K I didn’t think she was spouting nonsense the way Jabberwocky was. I mean, I think extremely little of the “I was a feminist in the 70s and today’s feminists are all Victims” mentality, but real people really think that way, as opposed to “sex-positive = gender essentialism” which was plucked from the ether by someone who probably heard “sex-positive” and thought it meant that they would have sex with him.


By the way, thanks to clicking that link to Jabberwocky’s comment above I’m not getting notifications of updates to that thread which at this point consists entirely of a personal feud of anger vs. animated gif. Please, let’s discuss the legitimate concerns of MRAs!

Okay, thank goodness Rob closed the thread. I swear I had half written replies to like four of the things there. I was just reading about Canadian politics on CBC and couldn’t get a comment out there either. I think I might just be spent. Talking to people is so awful. Thank goodness there is a thread like this where I can just complain about people to fellow communists (not people).

And yes, BBS, I did consider replying to several posts at once. Sucks to your friendly reminder.