Now if you can make an owl shaped dish I can put ice cream in, then maybe we can have a superb owl sundae.
The Superb Owl of ancient Athens, an Athenian dekadrachm:
Genuine examples are quite rare and valuable.
In first with superb owl bowl:
uncanny resemblance to Jason’s Superb MECH Owl
As most could guess, I love owls.
How can we not all love owls!
Owldn’t have guessed that.
Of course. Seems impossible, I know. I even liked the owl with the weird hoot that used to nest just outside our place. It would go hoo-hitty-HOOT! hoo-hitty-HOOT! with me always thinking What sort of candy-ass owl hoots like that? I miss that weird-hooting owl.
Probably another victim of Trump’s America…
Me too! Because they eat the squirrel vermin around my home. Owls are just absolutely magical. Every year we have a least four or five around in the woods around the house and I look forward to hearing them call to each other at night. They have much better calls than the shrieking red foxes or the occasional coyote. ‘What does the fox say?’ Well, I can tell you it ain’t pretty!.
Yet again, the possible onset of another owl versus red fox debate. When will it end!
Red fox. Dead fox. The owl knew…
… that none could counter his Kung Fu.
we’ve got one of these bastards living in a tree in our backyard:
and this is the lovely sound it makes:
Be thankful for candy-ass owl hoots. You could hear the screech of lost souls at night when you take the garbage out to the bin…
Yes, it’s troubling for the sowl.