Originally published at: My pick for 2021's superb owl | Boing Boing
Quebec’s Official Bird: The Snowy Owl
Full disclosure: I’m also watching the super bowl.
Getting in quick before you guys take up owl the room.
Glorious eyes. A real Halloween owl.
Owl be seeing you
In all the old familiar places
You know why you see so many feathers in owl cages?
Because if they turn their heads around too far they explode.
I love this one:
Found on tumblr, w/Superb Owl caption

But wait! There’s moar!

The first Hauntology track I ever heard:
Lol, somebody’s off his game.
ETA: Really enjoyed the tune too. Not my usual fare but I was intrigued all the way through and loved the bass line.
I never pay attention to when it’s Superb Owl day. Now that I’m aware for once, I shall celebrate tonight by listening for the two great horned owls that hang out in the giant oak tree next door*.
I’d say it’s a tie as to which wins the Superb Owl trophy, though. (Granted, this is mainly because I can’t tell them apart.)
*(My realization that I had owls as neighbors took a while. I heard an owl calling a few times, but it’s such a “stereotypical owl” sound that I wasn’t sure if someone was imitating an owl, it was a recording (e.g. part of some show a neighbor was watching), or a real owl. Eventually I hear the sounds at dusk, and peering in the gloom at the oak tree, I see two vague shapes. I initially discount them as “the owl” because there are two, not one, and they’re huge. It’s only when they went flying off that I realized yes, they’re owls, and yes, they’re fucking massive.)
It is a great bass line.
Belbury Poly is Jim Jupp, who co-founded the Ghost Box label w/Julian House. The Owl’s Map is an interesting album, and it led to my finding all the avail Belbury Poly. I love all of it
Most of the Ghost Box musicians make me happy, too.