Supreme Court lifts Trump's ban on bump stocks

I support judicial review of administrative law of course but the courts should be very very wary of overriding the expressed will of the people.

It is not normal to do so.


To give an analogue to the extremism that is currently in vogue in the US Supreme Court (and no, I’m not an expert, I did take clases on the US Supreme Court and their approach to judicial review as an undergrad in a comparative law context and I have read judgments and articles throughout my life since then, often as part of my work) I would think of the UK Brexit as the House of Lords select committee on the constitutional status of referendums warned. We have the implied or imagined opinions of a group of people being interpreted by one arm of government, the executive in the UK, the Courts in the US, overriding all other parts of government. Whatever the SC imagines the “founders” a group of racist, rapist, white supremacist, imperialists would think about broadband makes no more sense than imagining rhe outcome of an inchoate, ill defined yes/no vote on EU membership dictates Erasmus+ membership or Horizon funding.

Only it’s worse because it’s centuries ago and really not actually that relevant to the modern world.

Anyway, much more importantly, the US needs to stop being the chief supplier of weapons to narcoterrorism.

Mexico, Brazil etc. should be allowed bomb weapons factories in the US. Bomb the terrorists.


To be precise: Some people are “against gun massacres”. Others are “against gun massacres, but”.


not all guns


Some people are against gun massacres, but they don’t want to actually do anything about them. Certainly not the most obvious and effective thing, which is gun control.


And you know what they say - you can ignore everything before the “but”.


Usually followed by “… it’s the price we have to pay for our Second Amendment rights”, which in turn is usually a cover for some paranoid or or selfish personal agenda (e.g. a right-wing prepper or someone anxious about his masculinity or an obsessive collector).


Au contraire, everything in front of the butt is essential if you want to shoot people


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