Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion law

Thank you Justice Kennedy. Good decision!


WOW! I get halfway through this thing and this blocked comment and then a series of pianos getting dropped on the post. With pianists attached. All playing the world’s smallest violins.

I love this place. Hot damn. Likes all around!


Seems appropriate – from back in March… Two women (at least one of them grew up in TX) recounting their PP experiences
Tillie Walden — Very excited to share a new comic I made with @annasellheim (The first part by Anna, the second part by me)
We both really believe that @plannedparenthood is vital for women’s health, so to show our support we made a comic about our lovely experiences there.

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There were other clinics, still open, that would have had to close if the law wasn’t struck down. If the provisions at issue weren’t struck down, Texas would have ended up with just 10 clinics, instead of the 40 now.


the long tail I was referring to begins with this ruling

40 is nowhere near enough for a state the size of Texas. They will need more, and will get more.

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I agree about the long tail. Hopefully there will be more challenges to other abortion laws and laws like this one won’t get passed in other places.

I also agree 40 isn’t enough for Texas. I live in Texas, it’s big in a way people who haven’t actually driven around in it a lot often don’t seem to understand. But 40 is a hell of a lot better than 10.


Commas?! That sounds like a liberal thing! We don’t use commas down here!!

You could be like West Berlin during the Cold War.

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I know it’s not just RBG on the court, knockin heads and such, but TFW she gives that little head tilt, “So why not nine women?” Awesomesauce.


In other good news:

The Supreme Court disposed of a case testing religious objections to contraception in May. On Tuesday, the justices refused to hear another one.The justices said they will not review a Washington state rule requiring pharmacies to fill prescriptions regardless of religious objections, while allowing exemptions for other reasons such as a patient’s safety or ability to pay.Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented from the refusal to hear the case. “If this is a sign of how religious liberty claims will be treated in the years ahead, those who value religious freedom have cause for great concern,” Alito wrote.


Do a Scotland and get pulled out of the union, only to break with UK and rejoin. If you follow the steps with Texas, will it be “Austin Re-cede”?

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