Supreme/Richard Prince release t-shirt with composited face of Trump's female accusers

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“But how do we know they weren’t paid to make up baseless accusations?”, cry the people who failed to understand why Jacob Wohl’s attempted smear job on Mueller was exposed almost immediately.


not too far off


I was going to say, also serves as a kind of reverse police sketch warning women bearing any resemblance to the image to stay frosty…


Neat. It is already sold out.


Halfway between Miss England and Miss Germany

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I have no idea what Supreme is; I walk by the store on Lafayette at Prince every day going into the office and there are 3-5 bouncers, a giant line broken up in to two sections down & around the block, and occasionally an NYPD person watching over everything.

I might actually go in today before the crowds arrive to take a look.

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