Originally published at: Trump's glowering mugshot and questionable weight | Boing Boing
215 lbs my ass
I can’t wait to get that on a t-shirt!
chef’s kiss
I mean yeah it seems like he’s lost some weight, but I’d guess this is off by a couple inches and a few dozen lbs. I’d expect these numbers on his drivers license, not intake documents.
ETA: apparently the information was “pre-recorded.” so, tell me again about these so-called “two justice systems”?
Dude’s been practicing in front of a mirror.
From 2018:
Collect the whole set of the Nasty Nineteen!
I’m buying 215 lbs. After all, he’s all hot air
I was thinking when I saw him walking off his plane that he does actually look like he’s lost some weight. I doubt he’s down to 215, though. I kinda hate that I’m finding myself hoping that he’s sick, but here we are.
ETA: Why is the Fulton County Sheriff’s logo so much smaller in his mugshot?
A couple other mugshots have small logos. Maybe the background has alternating big and small?
It may also be because the release of Trump’s official mugshot was rushed because someone had leaked an unofficial copy of it to the press. The mugshot wasn’t supposed to have been made available until tomorrow.
Aside: what the hell camera are they using in Fulton? One of these?