Survey: Republicans don't like Game of Thrones

Chuck (God) with the World’s Greatest Dad coffee mug was hilarious.


Especially since as Dads go, Chuck kinda sucks.


I always saw it as an alarming emergent property, not a requirement :frowning:

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Now that you mention it, shouldn’t one be able to match Nielsen ratings against voter registration records to arrive at a better result—one less influenced by social desirability bias?

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That could turn out to be quite messy…

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TV representation definitely can have real-life impact on social attitudes. My parents were never very conservative to begin with, but I honestly think Will & Grace is one factor that got my dad to warm up to the idea of gay marriage. (Well, for other people at any rate. I’m pretty sure he still isn’t interested in it himself.)


Republicans are more into Grimm than Democrats are? I feel dirty.


It sounds like the(quite common in the more sympathetic-if-ultimately-misguided ‘MRA’ stuff) confusion between the effects of people increasingly being pushed into increasingly helotized ‘knowledge worker’ paper-pushing meaninglessness, or out of participation in society entirely; and the notion that Teh Womenz are winning some sort of war on men just because they are losing ground slightly less slowly(in the sense that ‘pink collar’ jobs have always been pretty awful; but have proven harder to offshore or automate than blue and lower-white collar ones).

It’s hard not to sympathize with somebody who has been worked over sufficiently vigorously by modernity that the idea of having to fight for his life against shambling necrotic horrors seems like an improvement; but it’s also hard not to suggest that he is less than insightful about either the cause of or the solution to his actual problems(especially since, incidentally, robotic combatants are an obvious.choice for fighting the zombie apocalypse: don’t necessarily even trigger their hunting instincts, not vulnerable to fear, pain, or infection, biting/clawing/battering is of minimal use against even the sort of ‘armor’ you can A-Team together with basic welding kit and a scrapyard; much less stuff designed to resist contemporary battlefield threats).


I like to think of it as expanding their consciousness.

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Yep, I forgot about that one too; where our favorite angel of the lord is attracted to my second favorite demon.

I’m picturing Iron Legion/Ultron sentries vs. zombies here, but that just makes me think of the Zombie Mecha game described in Cory’s For the Win.

I’m not a fan of zombie movies or TV shows - have any characters in the assorted media ever tried to Iron Man armor their way through the zompocalypse?

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Fifty-one comments and nobody’s hit on Republicans seeing the world as Black or White (excuse me, White vs Black)

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It’d do that alright - over the floors, the walls, the ceiling…

Looking forward to the second season actually. :sunglasses:

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I’m sure you like it for the right reasons. And by “right” I mean “proper”.

Actually, I’m sure there are shows that both groups could enjoy from their own perspective.

Democrats: A self-absorbed lady President in a foul-mouthed, corrupt, dysfunctional White House. It’s a funny satire.
Republicans: A self-absorbed lady President in a foul-mouthed, corrupt, dysfunctional White House. It’s a warning!

Orphan Black:
Democrats: A plucky band of clones tries to defend their freedom and individuality from a sinister corporation. Lots of feminist-positive content. And Sarah is pretty hot. So is Cosima.
Republicans: A plucky corporation tries to defend its intellectual property from an entitled gang of clones. Lots of guns. And Rachel is pretty hot. So is Alison.


If so, I haven’t run across it. In fact, that was one of the weird glitches in the otherwise delightfully carefully thought out World War Z: there’s a description of a military unit, with full NCB gear and armored support, magnificently failing to stop the zombie horde because, in addition to fighting in NCB gear being difficult, the zombies were immune to blood loss, thermobaric trauma, shots to center mass, and similar things that modern weapons are designed to dish out to humans; and so the zombies were able to advance in the face of fire that would have stopped even the most fearless humans cold. What wasn’t explained is why this was a problem for the guys inside the armored vehicles, any of which can travel faster than a human can run or zombie can shamble; and which can’t be gnawed open in reasonable time.

I wouldn’t want to try it with personal armor(unless the appropriate handwaving to allow power armor was done) because zombies already outmatch you on stamina, courage, and endurance; so become exhausted and being dragged to the ground in your knight-suit and clawed at like a can of spam, helpless and fully aware, until they eventually find a weak point would be pretty horrific. Basic off-the-lot vehicles might also be a problem, automotive glass is tough; but when zombies face an obstacle they are pretty stubborn about just battering on it. Anything designed to resist small arms fire or above, though, they’d pretty much have to starve you out.


The Study dips into this a bit, though as with all studies about the political spectrum, there’s a risk of stereotyping. Good vs. Evil plots were one of the things they called out.

Also, “Family Friendly,” which to me suggests that subtext is only appropriate place for that. I’m reminded of the “southern closet” described to me once by a friend: it’s not like people don’t know you’re gay, it’s just that you’re not supposed to say it, because it will upset people.

Which is, in the end, why Trump irks a lot of conservative leaders: you’re not supposed to say these things, because it will upset peoplethe money. By the same token, though, he appeals to a lot of rank-and-file conservatives because he’s “brave enough to say the things you’re not supposed to say.” And those people are the heroes in the narrative of a fight by a plucky band of outsiders against a monolithic hegemony that polices your every move for mistakes.


The Walking Dead. Democrats watch it for the diversity and the whole society building experience. Republicans watch it because they can see people shooting other people.


The one thing America’s two tribes can agree on:

Zombies must be killed