Sweden's anti-lockdown approach backfires

A full lockdown should result in a spike of IKEA product assembly completions.

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No joke. When we went into lockdown, IKEA sold out of home office products in a few days.


This is an easy one- it’s the difference between punching up and punching down. Residents of the country of Sweden are not a traditionally oppressed group for the fact of being from Sweden, so it’s okay to poke harmless fun. That’s punching up (or perhaps laterally when Rob does it). A picture of collard greens for a story about African Americans would be deeply racist and thus punching down, because, well, I don’t have to explain, I’m sure.

Do try to keep up- our civilization depends on it.


Dude: they put banana on their pizzas. Banana. Just think of that.


Would you be outraged if a cheeseburger was shown in a story about Americans?

(Also Swedish isn’t a race.)


Nah, it’s a decent root vegetable and a funny chef :smiley:

How about not punching or writing it off as harmless fun?

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I don’t know about you, but I need all the levity I can get right now. If you want “serious” news coverage, this isn’t the place.


From an article about Swedes catching Covid-19?

In case you didn’t notice, everybody is getting COVID-19. And in this particular case it was largely avoidable if the country’s health officials had just listened to expert consensus rather than assuming they knew better.


Victim blaming – such harmless levity.

Blaming the leadership for being arrogant, stupid or both is not victim blaming. It is accurate blaming.


I feel as if you’re virtue signaling about the wrong thing. Nobody is laughing at people getting COVID, and injecting a bit of uncouth humor into a serious topic isn’t the same thing as blaming the victims. This is a failure of leadership, full stop. Your may have heard that we have something similar going on here in America and hundreds of thousands have died as a result.

That being said, you’re more than welcome to flag any post you feel is violating the community rules (and victim blaming is one of those things).


Well now you’re moving goalposts. You were opening the “reverse racism” can, and I showed you how to close it again. How much of a wet blanket you want to be outside of that is up to you.


I did not open any can, you must be referring to a post from somebody else.

I did not virtue signal. There are plenty of posts on BB that should, can and do attract levity and dark humour.

You are reading the comment post-edit.

In other news, the 2020 weekly death rate in Sweden remains below the 2015-2019 average weekly death rate (Source: Statista - Average daily number of deaths per week in Sweden in 2020, compared to the average daily number of deaths per week from 2015 to 2019). If this is what “backfiring” looks like, I want some.

isn’t representing Sweden in this circumstance with meatballs a little on the racial stereotyping side of things?

You mean - like IKEA does? I’ve never heard of a Swede being triggered by culinary inappropriateness, and every Swede I do know would find your efforts to be concerned on their behalf over meatballs hilarious.

Agreed that it’s good in a general sense, the issues wth the virus aren’t under control, so a reduction in deaths might mean that pople being more careful about Covid are also reducing the spread of other diseases (or other causes of morbidity), it would be interesting to see what the big reductions are actually in… for example, flu, falling through thin ice, car accidents?

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