Swedes! Poles! Germans! Luxembourgers! The world is depending on you to save the internet from the EU!

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/01/14/we-need-you.html


(some versions propose exempting companies with less than 10m euros/year in revenue, but that only means that earning your 10,000,001st euro will trigger hundreds of millions of euros in compliance costs).

That’s what accountants are for - making that last dollar vanish.


Americans! Californians! Washingtonians! The rest of us are depending on you to save the internet from zombified west coast narcissist libertarian unicorn sniffers.

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Nooo, not the unicorn !

So, apparently I just wrote an email to my economic minister and our diplomat in Brussels. That was a first and I feel oddly excited about this… All in all, I try to not be cynical about the political process or the … well, let’s say “most” … people involved in that business. So: Here’s to hope!

Why does it focus on those particular countries? I tried to find some information about the positions of the others but I couldn’t.

so couldn’t link to the article with the words ‘the article’ as the link text?

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