Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/04/20/swimming-pool-in-a-shipping-co.html
…Then what does the other half become? At that point, isn’t it rather small to swim in?
This is brilliant! An unlimited supply of shipping containers makes this an interesting business venture. Hmmmmm
I’d guess that could be done by an experienced DIY’er. Nice idea.
Stahp giving Mr. Kidd excuses to rent an excavator. He’s obsessed with the notion of building things with shipping containers.
I guess I don’t quite get the point if it’s not actually any cheaper than putting in a regular pool. Recycling is nice and the aesthetics are interesting, I’ll grant. But at least in my mind, the main appeal of converting a shipping container into a tiny house or storefront or whatever is that the base cost is so low.
If I got the math right, that’s 36 metric tons of water. Will a shipping container bear that much?
To me, shipping containers always scream “Grow Room!” Wonder why.
Might as well make a door out of recycled paper. Sure, it’s possible, but paper is a bad material for doors and steel is a bad material for swimming pools. (at least that’s what I would assume, correct me if I’m wrong)
The container is lined on the inside. It’s like a giant tub insert.
I’d imagine it’d have to be buried to support the weight- so it’s the shell of an in-ground pool, really.
Without a shallow end.
Or nice round corners that are easier to clean.
yeah, I’d assume as much, but still the area around the pool will be an environment where moisture abounds. Maybe it will find its way either around the top of the liner, or through it somehow, through valves and outlets/inlets, micro-cracks maybe?.
Just like my recycled paper door; obviously I’ll reinforce it with some wire mesh…dang, still not strong enough, still not fire proof, not entirely water proof either…
Shipping containers aren’t designed to absorb the kind of loads that applications like this exert, and on top of that they’re made from steel and corrosion is a major problem, and on top of that they’ve cut away some structurally important pieces to turn this into a pool.
I really wonder how many of these they’ve built in real life. I also really wonder what advantage the shipping container offers here.
A couple of observations:
First, it reminds me of the pools on containerships.
But rust is not that big of an issue, with the right coatings. The above pool is on a 30 year old ship, and is filled with seawater. The paint is regular hull paint, which we have in large quantities in light blue. If you wanted to do it right,there is also a ceramic coating that we use in fresh water tanks, which is sprayed on and will not rust unless damaged. But this pool uses regular two part epoxy. http://www.hempel.com/en/products/hempadur-45143
The containers that they use for the pools do have corrugated sides, and can probably take the pressure with no problems. Most of the strength is built into the pillars at the four corners, which can take having five more filled containers stacked on top. The perimeter edges are also reinforced, so as long as you don’t compromise those, you should be fine.

You can’t take an in-ground pool with you when you move.
You think you’re hauling this away with you when you move?
Well I’d empty it first.
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