Switching to Linux, saying goodbye to Apple and Microsoft

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Personally, I use it all. Simultaneously. I have a windows box, a mac and 2 linux boxen on my desktop and I move back and forth between them with ease. You cannot get all software on any single platform. I look for free/open source first, and barring that, move to the commercial platforms to get what I need. The ethos is “get it done” rather than hewing to an ideological line. Nothing beats my 5k retina display. And nothing beats the speed of my 12-core custom built Debian distro box. So, I advise… become facile with it all, have it all, use it all. Get stuff done. And don’t forget Amazon AWS & other hosting to fill the gaps for things you don’t need to have the hardware for.


85% of the people who use computers would be lost with Linux unless it was an off shoot like android or Chrome OS where their hand is held for them. I mean look at the Mac adverts by all the people too stupid even to use windows.


Yeah, I use it all, too. Including mainframes and superdomes and HP-UX and VMS boxen… but when nobody’s paying me to use what they want, I use linux running on hardware I build out of junk. And if they’ll take paypal, I send money to the authors of open source software that I like.


Oh so much this… also all the ‘paranoia’ about win10 is if you use the microsoft cloud services and tie the local machine account to the cloud account. and a lot of it is stuff they have been collecting since XP and is the same stuff apple and google collect if you use their services.


This. As a designer locked into the Adobe ecosystem by the requirements of my job, Linux as a desktop tool is completely useless for me on an everyday basis, and Windows isn’t much better. So Mac it is. It runs smoothly, has few-to-no operational issues on a daily basis, has never had a worm or virus in the 20+ years I’ve been on it, and I have no complaints. But there’s other things that Linux and Windows are extremely useful for.


[quote]Among other things, in the iOS ecosystem users are obliged to get all their software from Apple’s store, and developers are obliged to sell it in the company store. This may be Apple’s definition of personal computing, but it’s not mine.[/quote]Wait a minute. Is one not generally doing the same thing with the distro’s repositories when one runs Linux?

Of course, one is hardly expected to pay money for software in the repositories, but it seems to me that as soon as you dare to try something that isn’t already expressly configured in the repositories, trouble starts a-brewing.


Totally disagree. The bulk of people who “use computers” typically require a browser, an office suite, and photo editing software. Get them on just about any standard Linux distro and all you have to give them is a cheat sheet on how to do updates. Boom, done.


Have you tried Ubuntu? I mean, I know for a fact that a 85 year-old man suffering from Parkinson’s dementia, myesthenia gravis and peripheral neuropathy can use Ubuntu. It’s slow due to sporadic anomic aphasia and occasional inability to see or comprehend numbers, but he struggles through.


I use Linux on my work machine, and have had OS X boxes at work before that. I use Windows at home, mostly because I always have and I know how to work around it’s annoyances.

No OS is perfect. Linux wins on out of box price, but I imagine supporting 1000 desktops for people of varying technical sophistication would be nightmarish. If I was in that position, OS X would probably win, but I think in most environments Windows wins just because it’s the default, and even the technically unsophisticated users have made their peace with its quirks and foibles.

One thing though – if you use a PC to produce music, Windows or OS X are your only choices. Those two environments support ‘it just works’ for audio and MIDI devices. I’m not a noob by any means and I get frustrated with Linux every time I try to use it with music apps. It just isn’t ready for prime time.

For example, I have a machine with Centos 7 on it. Both Ardour and Audacity can’t find any audio devices to make sound. Luckily, web browsers and VLC work fine, and that’s good enough for me. Until I can boot Linux, plug in some MIDI and Audio devices, and applications “just work,” it’s not ready for prime time, full stop.


Actually linux is pretty nifty these days but it frustrates my wife who wants to use it day to day especially for printing things and recently undoing an install of software manually.


For a 85 year old guy Cory looks fantastic…


I totally buy your argument as to why Linux isn’t right for you, in an audio production environment. I do have to question the choice of Centos though. It seems like it would be a little too server centric, and in that I would expect it to not have a lot of audio support.


You are a rare breed. No wonder I like ya.


Just to give it an extra special “like”


Switching to linux is no big deal when most people actually do run unix on their phones and tablets, and operating systems mainly provide services to a web browser for access to cloud services.

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This is off topic, but - I think that we’re going to see more and more companies going towards virtual desktops. Of course, they will be Windows, but the days of procuring, supporting and managing traditional desktop machines for office staff will dwindle. It’s a tough up front cost, but when most people in an office (other than code crunchers, engineers, etc…) don’t need an actual PC other than Office and a browser and when all apps can be delivered via Citrix or the like, the use case for either BYO or thin clients is a better long term choice. And for your remote users, they can be given a stipend (or give them a laptop) and they can access everything they need over their existing internet connection.
I worked infrastructure for a company two companies ago and we rolled out a Citrix farm that was awesome. We were the first test case and when I worked from home, I just used my Mac with two big monitors and pulled up my Windows desktop over the internet. All my apps were available as well as network shares, etc… For field users, they had all their apps available through the Citrix client on all platforms - iOS, Android, etc… and could get their work done from anywhere.
Server virtualization came first and is still the most prevalent in enterprise environments (why would you even build a physical server OS box in 2012??) but publishing apps and desktops to users will start climbing fast.


Which is where they are collecting the information.
And honestly if you are getting it for free then duh you gotta provide something of value to the provider and it won’t matter what OS you personally are using.
If there is one I could use for a reasonable fee that promised to not own my data/info I would happily sign up cause I have enough sysadmin fun at work and no desire to do it for ‘fun’ at home anymore.


If only Adobe ported to Linux…

InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator are too essential to my work to rely on Scribus, Inkscape, and GIMP. GIMP is really good but not quite there.

I’ve ran Debian-based distros like Ubuntu (and multiple flavors therein like Mint, Xubuntu, ElementaryOS, etc.) as well as Fedora and Arch.

In the end, my go to OS is now Mac OS X, after years of being an Ubuntu and Windows fanboy. Only got it a couple years ago and the pain points (photos not opening to Photoshop or other 3rd party) are minimal.


This is generally true for unsophisticated users. I occasionally build packages for RHEL and derivatives and it’s pretty painful if you don’t do it every day.

But honestly it’s not a big deal, since there are thousands of packages readily available, and the least sophisticated users only need a web browser anyway (Google and others can supply online document processing, media storage & playback, email, &etc. through the browser).

It’s pretty nightmarish regardless of OS, but until Microsoft introduced SCCM and Win7 I would say linux was actually the easiest option for truly huge rollouts. Now, Microsoft wins mostly because (as you noted) most people already know how to use it, and with SCCM you can control everything from one console pretty easily.

[quote=“chaircrusher, post:10, topic:71542”]if you use a PC to produce music, Windows or OS X are your only choices. Those two environments support ‘it just works’ for audio and MIDI devices.

I feel your pain! It’s always been much easier to throw money at the problem than to deal with the intricacy of linux’s various audio subsystem iterations, and if you’re generating income with your music it can even be cheaper, in the long run, to spend some money wisely up front. But in any case, I recommend you stop trying to do audio on Centos - that is probably the worst possible choice of linux distros, bar none, for audio work. Seriously! Use an actual linux audio distribution. It’ll still be worse than a Mac fitted out with hundreds of dollars of specialized aftermarket software, but it’ll be astronomically better than a Red Hat clone datacenter server like Centos.

My wife actually has the exact same problems with Windows. Totally not kidding! I cannot understand how she continually manages to screw up the printer, she’s smarter than I am but she can’t seem to keep the print spooler in Windows properly configured for more than a week. I don’t think the problem is in the operating system, but don’t tell her I said that… Linux tends to work perfectly with some printers, and poorly with others, but in my opinion it’s harder to predict which ones it will not work properly with than it is with Windows or Mac. You’re best off asking other linux users what they recommend if you want everything to “just work”.