Syringe-pill injects you on the inside

Will it be OK to google subcuteaneous insertion in my workplace?

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Depends on your job…


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Spring Surprise!


I just love it that the article refers to Weebles (which wobble, but don’t fall down). However, the authors incorrectly refer to them as “weeble-wobbles”.

Inspired by the self-orienting leopard tortoise ( Stigmochelys pardalis ), we designed a mono-monostatic body optimized for rapid self-orientation with the capacity to resist external forces (e.g., fluid flow, peristaltic motion, exercise) upon reaching a stable point ([Fig. 1]). Similar to a weeble-wobble toy, the leopard tortoise has a shifted center of mass and a high-curvature upper shell that enable self-orientation to the preferred upright position. Unlike the weeble-wobble, the tortoise’s bottom half possesses a low curvature followed by a corner. Whereas a weeble-wobble can be easily pushed over, the tortoise is stabilized by this shape feature. For the SOMA, we sought a self-orienting shape similar to that of the tortoise to ensure that the millipost would not misfire into the lumen if a patient leaned over during actuation.


Saving y’all the trouble:


Well where’s the pleasure in THAT?!? If people pop a nice little chockie into their mouth, they don’t expect to get their cheeks pierced!!!?


I’ve probably said this here before, but the last time I had a colonoscopy, the nurse (who said she’d been doing them for 30+ years) told me that “the time of sticking a camera up your butt is coming to an end” because of the development of pills like this with a tiny remote-controlled camera that’ll float through your large intestine. Fingers crossed.

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Unfortunately, I expect the prep (which as you know is the worst part of a colonoscopy) will remain the same.

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Oh god yeah. The prep is far far worse than the actual procedure. Personally, I was awake without meds for mine, and it was no problem at all, but for people whose instinctive reaction to anything involving their butt is “knock me out and let me know when it’s over!”, a pill-cam would be a godsend.


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