Take the impossible "Literacy" test Louisiana gave black voters in 1964

I think y’all just need to take a deep breath and try, ever so hard, to grok the shit that Nik is slingin’.

It might be ‘out of your comfort zone’, it may seem like he’s ‘speaking radical truth’ (too radical for the likes of you), it may even, at times, seem like thinly veiled contrarianism but hark not to those befuddled and compromising intuitions.

Cold. Hard. Facts. …are this man’s burden. And if you can’t be spoken dynamic, ubermenschien truth at; then for what good are ye?

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13. What shade of foundation works best with your complexion?


Would it have been in 2002 or 2003 that Strom Thurmond last used that term on the floor of the Senate?

Considering the fact that our tax dollars were paying to keep him barely alive, humanly-assisted, wheel-chaired, oxygen-tanked and on the Senate floor to make sure his critical Republican votes were being tallied right up to the very end, he may not have used the term after the 90s. But the fact that he was in the Senate and capable of using such a term in the 21st Century seems to me a most salient fact.

And since I can’t help offering thanks to the FSM every time I remember that that heinous, vicious piece of excised melanoma, only slightly more intelligent than a dead Siberian mosquito, is still dead, I offer thanks and hope that the ratfucker stays in the ground, good and dead, until the Sun burns out.


Like it’s some kind of banana or something

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Did I miss them? I didn’t see the answers. Where are they? The ‘official’ answers, I mean. Not these amateur-proposed answers. Because, you see, I don’t think this argument has gone on long enough until everyone gets a chance to argue over the answers too. I mean what good is a bigoted test without the the bigoted answers. Modern [“post-Ike”, because Nixon began the tradition of using race as a wedge and then after him Reagan [who was a racist, or convincingly played one on the political being always happy to pander to the racists and the Nazis too–think Bitburg, which wasn’t a mistake and if it was it was an inexcusable one] Republicans or their equally bigoted ancien regime pre-Civil Rights Southern Democrat intellectual and emotional ancestors [and yes there was a difference because US political parties are state-centric not national parties] need to be recognized as a one party continuum. [read but not proofed]

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Damn, what happened to this site’s “don’t like” button?


One thing’s for certain: those racists were all conservatives. Regardless of how parties have changed over the years. And this is one the most pathetic of all right wing racist ways to try to rewrite the history of “Dixiecrats”, The “Southern Strategy” etc.


Interesting rewriting of history.


Not saying that I support Voter IDs, but there is a huge difference between them and this literacy test.

That being?

The test is graded entirely subjectively and obviously designed to be confusing. An equivalent voter ID rule might be something like: a 127% enlarged mimeograph of the ID must be presented on A4 paper, notarized out of state on a day of the week without a y in it, and signed with a green #2 pencil.

I’m also against voter ID requirements, but it’s silly to say they’re exactly the same thing as this test.

The execution is more subtle, but the underlying intent is the same.


I agree that the voter ID laws are much more subtle. I think it may actually make them worse because it makes more difficult to prove that they are discriminatory.

Fun fact: Chief Justice Roberts’ previously argued that the Voting Rights Act should only apply to intentional discrimination ( http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/02/john-roberts-long-war-against-voting-rights-act ).

[And discourse will not accept my edit so …]


Ass. There, I said it. Well, typed it anyway.

That makes no sense whatsoever. Everybody got report cards, regardless of race.

I saw it just the opposite way. The questions are absolutely literal. Each is an instruction that has only 1 meaning. So, I don’t see why it was titled as ‘Impossible’. ‘Overthinkable’, maybe…

Australia had its own version called the Australian Dictation test. Designed to exclude non-white, non-European migrants, it would require immigrants to sit for a dictation test in a European language, not necessarily English. It ran from 1901 to 1958 as part of the White Australia policy which was not dismantled until 1973.

You can read about and take a sample test here:


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Try Q28 and get back to us.


Not really. The contemporary method is cheaper and faster-no printed tests required, just show what passes for acceptable I.D. or your right to vote is denied. Same result and so there is no difference.


Baloney. The number of people who don’t have ID is much smaller than people who failed the test (which I dare say would be most everyone).