Voter suppression act two: closing driver's license offices in Alabama's Black Belt

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Rolling back the clock, by whatever means possible, to pre-1965 is Heritage, not Hate.


Itā€™s all part of a long con. A very long and concerted con.


Just to be fair, the law canā€™t actually require a driverā€™s license instead of a state ID, right?

I certainly also believe that requiring just a state ID to vote is unduly burdensome, and this is clear discrimination against a group that votes for the political opponents of the people making these rules. In-person voter fraud is clearly an insignificant problem. But the barrier here, while undue and damned malicious, is not quite as high a bar as taking a road test.

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Absolutely disgraceful. Voter ID laws alone are bad enough. Add this to it and you are clearly trying to suppress a group of peopleā€™s opinions. This would be true regardless of the group, but it is especially egregious against a group of people that is already treated so unfairly. The nation has already made it clear that black lives donā€™t seem to be as important as white ones, so a Bible Belt state doing something like this shouldnā€™t surprise me. Still, as a white male living in the Bible Belt, I am ashamed.


I just wanted to point out that Alabama (like most states) offers ID cards. You still have to get them from the DMV, but thereā€™s no other requirements. If you have a pulse you can get one.

Itā€™s still a colossal bullshit burden on the people it effects, but the article dwells quite heavily on the driverā€™s license requirement and the being able to drive portion isnā€™t actually a requirement.


Just wondering if thereā€™s any proof that those offices were shut down because of where they were.
Budget cuts, non-productive offices and so on can close a a DMV office down quick.

But someone has to stir that pot so have at it folks.

Just wondering if you had a look at that map of Alabama, and considered it in terms of racial demographicsā€¦


@ElQuesero and @xzzy are correct that a driving test is NOT required to get a state ID. Theyā€™re also both correct that these laws still suck. The ID costs $36.25 to get and to renew every four years and you have to present a Social Security card and a couple other forms of ID (most likely including a certified copy of your birth certificate, which costs another $15 if you donā€™t already have one) to get your initial ID card.


Absolutely right. It doesnā€™t help things when the internet outrage machine gets busy with every false positive. Just to be clear: the DMV offices are not closing. They are going to quit offering the driverā€™s test, but you can vote with a non-driving picture ID. Theyā€™re not making it harder to vote, only harder to drive.

Thereā€™s plenty of shameful voter suppression. If you want to do something about it, focus on cases that are real.


Driverā€™s license is not required, but is one of the 12 forms of ID (including student ID from a within-state public or private college or university) that are accepted for voting.
Contrary to the article linked, the offices that issue the free ā€œvoter IDā€ photo cards are run by a completely different division of the government and not affected at all according to all reports Iā€™ve seen ā€“ there is at least one in every county, along with roving mobile offices that set up on pre-announced dates in pre-announced places.emphasized text

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There is a free ā€œvoter ID cardā€ available in all the same places that one would register to vote, and copies of AL birth & marriage certificates are free for the purpose of getting such ID.


I feel like it is a minor, but important, distinction to note that the term ā€œBlack Beltā€ does not refer to any racial demographics there, but rather refers to the rich, black topsoil found in those regions.
This may be common knowledge, but just in caseā€¦ :slight_smile:


Theyā€™re not even trying to be coy about it. AND theyā€™re getting away with it. What has this country come to?

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Thatā€™s not exactly right. Itā€™s actually pretty difficult for poor people, because state IDs require multiple proofs of identity, address, etc. which are not always available to everyone. If you donā€™t have a bank account, thatā€™s a biggie. Utility bills are not in your name at your address? Oh well.


Cause their base (and they are base in every way) donā€™t want the ā€˜brownā€™ people to vote or have rights. They think the ā€˜whiteā€™ man should be on top.

My view on it. You have a valid state or federal ID? Vote away! If you vote against your own interest, thatā€™s on you, but you will still have the right to vote.


Okay, but why even insist on an ID? Such a legal requirement functions (often quite purposefully) to discourage large blocks of black people from voting. The risk of voter fraud is infintesimally small ā€“ the idea that itā€™s an election-swinging threat is a conservative canard. And part of the reason that the risk of voter fraud is so small is that the risks for committing it are huge:

In Alabama, voter fraud is punishable by up to two years in prison and a $2,000 fine. In Wisconsin, the punishment is up to 3 1/2 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Missouri imposes a penalty of up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. And in Texas, the maximum prison sentence is 10 years.


Alabama has 67 counties. I just did some quick checking and 8 of the 15 counties that went to Obama in 2012 have drivers licence offices closed down. In total 30 counties have drivers licence offices closed down, and a couple of those counties had multiple offices to begin with. That means that 22 of the 52 counties that went to Romney in 2012 will also be disenfranchised in 2016. I love a conspiracy theory as much as the other guyā€¦but I donā€™t think this one holds water.

Thank you for that.

Iā€™ve heard many claims that poor people are less likely to have photo IDs than others. It sounds rational but I have yet to see any facts. Can any of you point me at statistics putting numbers to this theory?