Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/11/03/that-didnt-take-long.html
“One of the reasons we did it the way we did it, it’s very easily fixed. You put the chunk back in.”
Probably hidden in the fence builders contract is the exclusive right to repair the fence for a 10 times
higher price any welder would ask for. Ok make that 100 times higher.
Not that I care about actually repairing this inhuman monstrosity, but you get my point.
You got beat to the punch, I’m afraid:
Reagan: “Tear down this wall.”
Orange Bastard: “You put the chunk back in.”
Is it me or are republican presidents sending mixed messages?
The greatest mind of the 14th century strikes out once again in the 21st.
Should have gone with the alligators. /s
Da wall.
I wonder how many would need to cut for the wall to fall over under its own weight, and whether that would then “run” the length of the wall, bending one bollard after another. (When this happens, please shoot the phone video in landscape mode).
90% of the duplication comes from 10% of the authors. If only they’d check with each other 100% of the time we could have 0% duplication and lost effort.
Of course, 90% of the posts come from 10% of the authors, so your analysis doesn’t really shed any new light. That said, your proposed solution is spot on.
doh. i forgot to establish a baseline.
(you get all the likes)
i’ll admit to making those numbers up for the sake of crafting a bernie style burn, colbert style.
I love this story so. It’s so Donnie. Everything he does, he does in the worst possible way under the belief that BSing is enough; quality is unimportant.
Bedbugs and views of garbage dumps at the Doral (where he wanted to bring the Gx).
Every Trump building an ugly, merely maintained dump.
Gifting his wife and favorite daughter with plastic surgery that fails to make them better looking but rather plasticky with the large breasts that’s the only important thing about a woman to infantile Donnie.
By years or decades, the first casino owner to crap out in Atlantic City.
And so many other failures the media enable him to falsely describe as successes.
So why would anyone with any familiarity not expect this wall bullshit to be a complete failure?
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