Teacher who fed puppy to snapping turtle in front of children found not guilty of animal cruelty

It’s worth noting that nature* wouldn’t give a fuck if two humans attempted to kill one another. Does that mean we shouldn’t care?

* The journal Nature might, but i don’t think you’re referring to them.


Considering that K9 training is animal abuse, I’m not surprised.


some of you guys are going a long way to defend the arbitrary belief that dogs are more sapient than any of the other mammals that we feed to reptiles

like, if you want to take the full vegan anti-cruelty stance, that makes a certain amount of sense

but otherwise you are just picking and choosing what animals deserve to be food for other animals without a whole lot to back it up


Do you eat human? If not, you too are “picking and choosing what animals deserve to be food for other animals”.


It’s $100-$150 to euthanize a dog if memory serves. This was a days-old puppy which was going to die anyway, which the teacher’s sons had already tried to nurse back to health before giving it to their dad for the turtle that morning. He could take off work and pay money to literally waste the life of an animal, or he could help another life and feed it to a turtle for free.

Although it’s a point that’s hard to quantify, this is a farm town of ~5k people-- the culture is going to be one that’s familiar with the concept of animals, death, and the unaviodability/utility of both.


like I said, if you want to go full vegan on this, that’s at least coherent, but there is not one thing that justifies feeding a rat to a reptile, but not a puppy, other than fashion

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Are you vegan? If not, etc.


Citation on that?

Yes there is. It’s actually our cultural values and how we view rats vs. puppies. Even if you limit it to only existing in the brains of people, if it occupies even 0.001% of the brain of 350M Americans that still makes it a real thing that weighs over 1000 pounds.

Stop denying objective reality in favour of categories you are making up yourself right now.



like, if you want to argue the equivalence between people and animals, that’s a fun discussion you can find repeated millions of times on the internet

but we’re talking about cultural constructs surrounding different types of animals that pretty closely echoes the xenophobic disgust people have when they find out that others eat dogs or horses

I honestly think this is where the social disconnect is. People who are around farm animals and/or hunt - they do things and have to take care of stuff most of us never think of. I mean, we buy our steaks and hamburger, these people actually harvest and butcher stuff themselves. Sick live stock are put down before they infect others. Wild dogs and cats are put down unless they can be usefully adopted (i.e. farm cats).

I am pretty sure my dad has taken every hunting dog hes owned out to a field for one last romp before putting them down himself. I’m betting that its actually more difficult than taking them to a vet, but the dog doesn’t have the stress of going to that cold, medical place.


Nature isn’t a turtle in a tank.


It’s not a discussion. It’s objective fact. People are animals.


Most communities in the US have animal and wildlife services, who will take unwanted animals and euthanize them if they can’t be adopted out (or in this case, it’s sick).


This. It’s not a new thing. The US public had no problems about cruelty. Torturing criminals in the prison system, torturing brown people in black sites, killing people during their wedding parties - happened all the time before Trump. Wasn’t a problem as long as it was semi-hidden. The US public had its fig leaf and could continue to pretend their moral superiority. The difference is Trumps presidency is that he took the fig leaf away …


This is not shooting old yeller in the backyard. It’s feeding a puppy to a snapping turtle.


Yes, actually many of us do. We just get called sensitive, triggered snowflakes if we do object to that cruelty.




I mean, there are plenty of options that did not include feeding it to a snapping turtle in a tank… The teacher could have shot the puppy himself, for example. There was simply no need, and now, everyone had to waste time with the court system, and both critters are dead.


To be fair…there are quite a few humans I would gladly feed to lions if it were ancient Roman times again.

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