Technical pants for business-casual wear

KAN-ye, the YEEZUS

If you don’t care about price, the Duluth Trading ten-ounce canvas pants (I think they call them “fire hose fabric” or something equally cutesy) are extremely durable.

[quote=“Tavie, post:58, topic:6299, full:true”]
The point really is that there are a lot more small clothes in mainstream stores than larger ones.[/quote]

My experience is the opposite: plenty of XXL, XL, and L, some M, and virtually no S. When you can find a small it usually fits more like a medium.

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We should trade shopping places.

But I’m really not talking about M, L or even XL. I’m talking XXL and above. There are size S clothes in every mainstream clothing store there is. If there aren’t any when you’re there, they’ll have some in the back or they’ll get some for you quickly or you’ll have the entire rest of the store to choose from.

For XXL and above, you can walk into the majority of places and not find a single shred of clothing to fit on your body.

So again, not invalidating the problems of the extra-tiny. I feel for the extra-tiny. I just don’t buy any arguments that say that they have less options than the extra-large. :slight_smile:

Depends where the Dungarees are purchased. I wear brown demin Riggs Wrangler work pants for welding, also with leather apron and sleeves. Deep pockets, roomy for kneeling and flex positions. Purchased at work safety supply store. Mall bought jeans are more what you are describing I think.

wait, what?

they absorb oil vigorously.

As a greasy mechanic, that’s a feature.

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Ugh, that was entirely unnecessary. And, from this corner, unwelcome. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Sorry, was going for wildly absurd. Didn’t mean any genuine offense or distress, just the simulated kind.

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Some folks are easily offended. And some, of course, are purposely seeking opportunities to be offended. Your kind apology will be accepted by the former, but not the latter.

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