Teen boy in Saudi Arabia arrested for “unethical behaviour" after flirty chat with YouTube teen girl star

Pretty sure I don’t even want to know, and I sure as hell ain’t going to google that.

Red pillers worst nightmare.

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Well, there’s Tibet. And the Chinese absorbed a lot of societies nearby over the centuries. An Asian version of manifest destiny. This continues in both influence (North Korea, etc) and expansion. And they continue to exert a lot of influence in Africa.


Right. But I think there, at least, they tend to be less hands on and more responsive to the locals than we can be. That being said, I think it’s because they aren’t interested in making waves in place where they don’t have the advantage like they do in Asia. That doesn’t mean they couldn’t be aggressive, just that they haven’t been in the same way we have been.


If the Saudis are anything like the Scientologists, they take ethics SERIOUSLY.

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I wouldn’t mind Brave New World’s utopia.

What do you think solar panels are made out of? Moatly plastic. The oil for which must come from somewhere.

And yes you can make them out of metal frames with glass covers, but plastic makes them durable and cheaper.

Solar cells themselves would be sand? Or at least the silicon…
Oil…no one every said it had to be crude oil (all though I suppose that’s the easiest). Hell we subsidize the shit out of corn, so bioplastic shouldn’t be a deal. Bioplastic - Wikipedia


shakes tiny fists

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The problem with corn is, it’s really economically dangerous to subsidize food and use it for a multitude of industrial applications. We can’t use corn for everything, and it’s already an immensely risky monoculture even with BT and all that stuff. Farmers are unwilling to follow best practices (IE pest-refuges which are known to work well, but if you don’t use them BT corn just becomes food for the pests all over again after a few years.)


Valeria Lukyanova. Ya Judgy McJudgerson. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Eh, I’m not buying it.

It’s illegal to be gay in Uganda. They’ll kill you. Would you be so sanguine if that were the story here? “Oh, all countries have their laws, hopefully they match their cultures.”


Oh dear! That’s… I don’t know. What’s beyond “creepy”?


Like I said, fuckin’ CREEPY.

Also kinda sad that a living woman aspires to look like plastic artifice.

But she has my sincere sympathies once time and gravity start to do their worst to her body.


Maybe they were inspired by Brazil? (The movie, not the country.)


You mean @Papasan? I haven’t posted any images in this thread yet.

I’m often confused with Groucho Marx. I’m sometimes confused without him too.


Orgy Porgy?

Allah, what a-…


I don’t think we can meaningfully compare the amount of oil used to make a plastic frame for a solar panel and the amount of fossil fuels being replaced, on a long-term basis, by that panel, though. One of those situations isn’t sufficient to prop up a government. (And that leaves aside the whole bioplastic issue, which can be made out of food waste, if you really wanted to.)

Unless the law is arbitrary, ill-defined and interpreted in unpredictable ways, making arrest under it potentially a completely unforeseeable event until it actually happens. Which is how laws like this work - you don’t know what actions might get you in trouble, so you live in fear and stop yourself from doing anything that might potentially upset the most conservative fundamentalist, just to be safe. So yeah, it’s news - even in Saudi Arabia, it appears.


When you say it that way, it seems far too generous to call it a law.

Laws aren’t secret.

Laws aren’t overly broad.

Laws can’t be changed on an ad-hoc basis to prosecute specific individuals.

When you do that, then they really stop being laws and are more like decrees or simply orders.