Televangelist tells his flock to buy him a $54 million jet: "It's what Jesus would do."

You know, Jesus didn’t ascend to heaven on a private jet. Why should this guy?

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Obligatory John Oliver:


and finally:


He says that particular jet “allows him to fly anywhere in one go”. The range is too short for that by about 9000 km (even if it is impressive for a private jet). So he is lying.

But that is not the main problem. What I can hardly believe is that he already got no less than three other jets from donations. That can only happen in the USA. With all due respect, I believe that it is the only country in the world with people rich enough to donate that kind of money and an education system in such bad shape so that enough people would be so gullible as to donate that kind of money to a TV guru with no apparent other credentials.

Honest disclaimer: I am not criticising religion as such here. I have deep respect for faiths, know people who are believers and that is perfectly fine. I am criticising specific instances of “religions” which are obviously run as a business to the exclusive financial interest of the leader of that business. There is a fine line between preaching the gospel (or any sacred text) and what can only be seen as a personality cult from anyone with a bit of common sense.

Now, there are personality cults all over the planet (and that alone should be cause for concern). But only in the USA can they routinely finance 4 corporate jets.



And the sheep will not only line up to be sheared but will pay to build the factory that makes the clippers and then work the mines that bring up the ore to be made into the clippers while their children knit the wool into sweaters.

Later, lamb will be on the menu but the “preacher” keeps that one a bit more low-key,


You might be underestimating the overlap of the VENN diagram of the elderly women are the primary target of sharks like this, and who also reflexively vote the straight Democrat ticket.

Citation needed.


I also would have assumed this is a USA only problem, but it turns out Brazil has created at least one Billionaire televangelist.

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You could give to Fundamentally Oral Bill…

I don’t get it. Why would he want to buy a French jet instead of a 100% American jet?

What would Jesus do? For sure, Jesus would only buy American built. This is what Jesus would buy:

He is a fake!

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The next pitch will be for the in-flight refueling tanker jet.

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I donated $20 bucks to a Nigerian Ministry and used a friend’s name/address/home#/email. After a few months had past and while I paid him a visit, he showed me a small pile of linen pouches that looked liked eyeglass containers. Every month mail from the ministry arrived with these “Blessed money pouches” so you can put your cash donation in the pouch and in return addressed envelope and your prayers with be bless. He asked if I knew anything about it. I had a difficult time denying any involvement as I was falling off my chair dying from laughter.


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