Tenacious D not so tenacious after all

Jack Black dumps his recording partner of decades over a single one-liner.


bryan cranston coward GIF


He sure complied early, huh?


Undoubtedly a comment made in poor taste. (My family made similar comments pretty much immediately after. I’m not claiming to be at all virtuous.) Not enough to potentially end a partnership over. Sounds like an attempt for Jack Black to protect his brand more than anything else.


Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals


He’s certainly not protected his band.


Jack’s gone movie star


Weird. You’d think Black would know that if one says their birthday wish aloud it won’t come true.
Kyle just saved Tromp’s life in the event of any future assassination attempts.


Will they be replacing him with something more Trump-friendly?



I sent this to a friend just after I heard. I can’t help but speculate how things would be different right now had the bullet been two inches further right.


I don’t know - there’s nothing at all really implying “breaking up the band” from the statement - they only intermittently tour, after all. But it does seem like a needlessly firm disavowal from Black, which I think is driven by, yeah, the awful timing of the distasteful comment, even though Black knows it was an ad-lib badly chosen - but really due to Black having just hosted Biden in his L.A. fundraiser and was scheduled to do more for the campaign. Jack realized quickly that not only did the joke jeopardize his own ability to do those dates and give that help (and not even by his own choice), but that it also would allow Biden to get tarred with it by association (“Big Hollywood Biden Celeb Supporter WIshes Death On Trump” as the presumed messaging). I’m sure he was royally pissed, but not enough to end the lifelong act/partnership/friendship over.


Does it really matter, though? Those are the old rules. They’re going to run with this anyway, so he might as well have distanced himself with a few words and continued touring. We all know that he would have said the same thing 10 years ago and probably wishes he could say it today.


came a long way, jack;

(kinda amazed that this isnt mentioned anywhere…)

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Ugh, just ugh.

This seems like such a stupid way to ruin such a long partnership that genuinely seemed to be built on friendship.

Also, you’re comedians. A large part of your job is saying stuff that wouldn’t otherwise get said in polite society.

Sure, maybe Kyle’s remark was a little too much a little too soon, but there’s a huge number of people out there thinking exactly the same thing.
Hell, Jack and he had probably been saying the same sort of stuff to eachother in private.

Some fucking friend.


I made similar comments in the immediate aftermath, thought better of it quickly and rephrased, but yeah, I suspect a lot of us are in that camp.


I don’t recall, say, McCain’s career ending over singing “bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran” because joking about killing a million people is fine. Particularly at a time when killing half a million just wasn’t quite good enough.

Because serious people things. Very serious people.

Or when Obama, who was busy authorising no oversight double tap drone strikes where you kill someone (and whoever happened to be around) and then killed their family and neighbours at the funeral, joked about calling in a drone strike on some boy band because his daughters listened to them.

Funny that.


Nor his brand… I mean, maybe he chose to throw kyle under the bus because he though his progressive fans would be more comprensive about this than the ones who would be offended by kyle’s comment?

He clearly sees his future in Hollywood, where jobs depends on studios avoiding casting “controversial” actors.

Well, at least if they can expect outcry from the right. They have no problem casting or employing people who are controversial to the rest of society.


Intrapersonal band politics is weird.

I can imagine at least one scenario where Jack Black was already thinking of cutting Kyle Gass loose.

I can imagine a time when Jack Black attempts a rapprochement, possibly a few years down the line, or a few more, depending on who is president.

Creative entities like bands that are also businesses live an odd existence inside late stage capitalist culture. It’s a big ol’ ball of art and ego and gigs and yes ok ok money. People get weird around money. It’s a thing. The thing is sad but in no way surprising.

Trying to end on an upnote:

(Jack Black is in it)


But the [james stephanie sterling’s most sarcastic voice]CAAAAANCEEEEL CULTUREEEEE[/voice]!!!