Originally published at: Tennessee woman passionately defends Pride Month book display | Boing Boing
These local boards are just as much battlegrounds against the bigots and fascists as are the races for federal elections. In contrast to the latter, the former is – as this woman demonstrates – where individuals can make huge differences.
This also serves as a reminder that “red states” aren’t monolithically so and why we can’t just abandon people like this to the GOP who run their states
a perceived attack
The fact that a Pride Month book display even needs to be defended is depressing beyond all belief.
“… because the controversial materials were located next to the table for the child summer feeding program.”
Pardon; what is a “child summer feeding program”?
Many kids from low income families here in the US get free or reduced price breakfast and lunch at school during the school year. In the summer when school is out, some school districts, charities, and/or local government agencies will provide a daily meal for these kids: child summer feeding programs. They try run them from easily accessible places like a community center, neighborhood school or, like in this case, a library.
That’s cool. Sad that it is needed, but cool Thanks for explaining
Huzza for Jessee Graham
The framing of this story is oddly celebratory - watch this mom own those homophobes! But hate won here, and we can’t ignore that. The librarian is out, the display is down, and queer kids in this community are more scared and in danger, with one less place outside the home to feel safe in.
Thanks for providing that context. I do think though that we can both acknowledge that context and applaud allies like this one helping in the fight against it.
Indeed! This underlines that there are not red states and blue states - there are people that hate everyone not like them and there are people with open minds and acceptance, and they are a intermingled across the country. We can’t ever forget that - especially when the former are only hanging on by doing everything they can to disenfranchise the latter
Absolutely! We just need to be careful not to assume these symbolic moral victories are enough, and become complacent.
That’s bullshit.
If Little Timmy can see a book with a happy mommy and daddy no problem, then he can see a book with two dads, or two moms. He could see someone gay just walking down the street, ffs.
Like it or not, that’s 1) reality, and 2) legal.
Librarians should make a display with all books with inter-racial couples in it. You KNOW that would bother them just as much, but then they’d have to out themselves as the bigots they are to complain about it.
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