Tesla fires its Supercharger division

Uh, sorry compañero (or compañera) but there’s plenty of those here too.

I parked next to one at the HEB on 290 West last week. And l spot 'em in traffic out here every few weeks.

Did the companies make a deal, or did some government order them to “standardize assholes!”?

If the other companies were going to be paying for Supercharger access, he could have spun it off as a separate company, supported by all the EV makers, maybe some government money, to develop standards that everyone is happy with. Now Telsa’s going to be stuck with the same old battery/charger tech, as better stuff comes down the line.

I’d bet he has the videotapes somewhere safe, and that half-plus-one of the board members are featured guest stars. I doubt they are keeping him around of their own free will.

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But not exclusively.


Were they fired or laid off?

I thought those words meant different things, but I keep seeing people using them used interchangeably.

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my take; its mainly all about his 50 billion “compensation” package;

As I previously presented, the vote on his compensation package is turning into a vote of confidence in the CEO.

These layoffs are useful for him on that front. A lot of the leadership is gone. With every leader leaving, Musk becomes more needed at Tesla. Also, it doesn’t hurt that all these leaders are unloading their stocks, which won’t be voted against him.

and layoffs are standard practice to boost share prices short term.


I swear that all the tech companies are using the same LLM to calculate the employee - productivity numbers, and it glitches when employees hit zero.

It’s the only way to explain some of these layoffs … other than Musk being an idiot. :man_shrugging:


Better tell the European Commission and China that.
And soon.


I thought we were going with USB-C for everything?


Your conclusion isn’t wrong, but you might want to check the host of that link :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yeah, but I was thinking of Musk and Supercharger, and Google firing their whole Python team, and most of their Dart/Flutter team. (Sure, I’m going to spend lots more time on something that Google has already fired most of the people working on it)

We’re entering a post-product era, where the products don’t have to work or make a profit, just generate sizzle to make the number go up.

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I just don’t get the python team. Isn’t that one of the big things you can use in Google Cloud? Or is the python portion of that handled by a completely different team?

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it was only ten people, so maybe google felt the overhead of running the team wasn’t worth it.

here’s everything those people did ( according to one of the team’s members )

ugly onebox


Refueling my ICE car happens right at the pump in five minutes, so I can avoid overpriced snacks, shopping, and wasted time. And I avoid most commercial shopping, and buy local or used. “Local” isn’t installing chargers, though, nor do I want to shop/eat my way through a road trip. Until I can shovel a common battery into a panel in my car and drive onward, I’m not thrilled with the patterns that charging will push me into. Install fast chargers next to a field of flowers and a farm stand, and mayyyybe I’ll want to linger.


Two words: Birkin Blower.

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My family demand pitstops every couple of hours on long journeys.

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