Tesla's Elon Musk is at it again with the stupid tweets

I guess all we have to do at this point is wait for him to publicly electrocute an elephant to prove a point about alternating current.


Why hasn’t he settled with Unsworth, yet?

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Like Edison, if Edison didn’t actually invent anything, himself…

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Edison’s electric cars weren’t very successful in the long run. He’d be better to emulate Henry Ford, skipping the part about his security force shooting people, and the facism.


Heh. I did. (-:

The drop in price triggered my standing automatic “Buy” order, so I acquired some new shares while I slept early Friday morning.

The very next trading day, early Monday morning, I could sell those same shares at a $40/share premium, an increase of 14.8%.

Easiest money I’ve made in quite a while. (-:

My experience with the stories pushed to me supports your contention that Musk and Tesla experience more negative reporting than is warranted. This particular tweet? So what. It’s a joke. Still legal to make a joke in the USA? How did Twitter become a protected channel for investor information? Trump makes false or misleading statements in tweets, often with market repercussions, without attracting the attention of the SEC. Sure investors can choose to react to tweets, or phases of the Moon, or tea leaves or whatever they please. That doesn’t mean it is reasonable to do so or that they should be protected from consequences thereof.


The very fact that short sellers are actively manipulating the market to drop the price of Tesla stock, and that this is apparently fine and dandy, but Musk pointing it out is not pretty much proves the ridiculousness of the situation. But hey, all these Tesla articles get clicks, which is clearly more important than a sustainable transport revolution.

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CNN just posted a story where short seller David Einhorn compares Tesla to Lehman Bros behaviour immediately prior to their collapse . I call that “Fair and Balanced” reporting.

Edison was also well known for being a raging asshole. More business man than inventor


“More business man than inventor” not that there’s anything wrong with that :slight_smile: . When I was a lad I went through an “Edison” phase, read all I could find. Ya, not a nice guy.

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That’s not really how it works.


Short-sellers manipulating the market? How exactly?

Tesla is doing great work, and work that I think is really important - but it also looks super-overvalued, as it’s fundamentals still seem to suck. So while it’s a business pursuing a worthy cause, and it has the potential to suddenly become a winner, that isn’t (or shouldn’t be) what drives the market; it trades like it’s a winner right now, and has done so for a long time. Elon’s erratic behaviour doesn’t fill me with confidence that that time will ever come.

Now, shorting is a mug’s game, because you could be absolutely certain that the stock is overvalued, and still lose your shirt waiting for it to happen - attempting market timing is a great way to chuck money away. Shorting also sucks because, if the stock moves against you when you’re long, your maximum loss is limited (can’t fall below 0), but gains are unlimited in potential. Shorting is the other way around - limited gains and potentially unlimited losses.

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i like it here on mars


Do you think there would be nearly as much focus on Tesla if it wasn’t for the billions of dollars that are invested against Tesla succeeding? Shorts are actively investigating and spreading misinformation (FUD) about the company. The recent articles about the large numbers of Model 3’s in transit around the US are a good example. Neither Musk nor Tesla are perfect, but the amount of criticism out there is unprecedented and ridiculous. Have you read their recent safety report. Long story short, if you’re driving in Autopilot you’re 7x less likely to be in a crash or near miss, than you are to be involved in a crash in another car.

To say their fundamentals seem to suck ignores that the company was basically nothing a decade ago. You can’t expect them to be as well versed in the mass market automotive industry as the likes of Ford, this is their first mass market car. I wish that Musk had nailed the go private deal just so this garbage could stop. Let the company succeed or fail on its merits.

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How, exactly, is that fair and balanced? A guy who stands to make massive amounts if Tesla fails is given a soapbox to proclaim how badly Tesla is doing? Do you not see that as a self-fulfilling prophecy? Does he have any evidence, or credentials at all, other than having said “Lehman bad” shortly before the Lehman Bros debacle?

Tesla manufacted 80k+ cars, and likely turned a profit. That’s a story.

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“Fair and Balanced” used to be ( or still is?) FOX news motto :slight_smile: a joke, iow

Ah, i wouldn’t know, not American. Apologies, I thought you were sincere.

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Not American either, but close enough to be in their thrall

hi dad


If you ask me, it all started when he got those hair transplants.

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