Test driving Amazon Prime Now

I have the distinct feeling that if this had been written by Cory or Mark, about how they decided to try it out by ordering a pack of filters for their Aeropress delivered to their hotel room along with a Haunted Mansion keychain and a box of Palomino Blackwing 602 pencils they didn’t need in order to make the $25 minimum, there would not be this kind of nit-picky, eye-rolling, inability to detect consumer journalism backlash. But because it’s a young woman ordering bobby pins and fantasy novels, well, what an idiot! Who cares! I want my money back for reading this! etc.


Don’t believe that. The criticism may have a somewhat different flavor but otherwise would not differ that much. Kind of like almond vs hazelnut coffee.

You cannot make everybody happy. Some of the buttons pressed would differ, but most of the internet microoutrage would be pretty much the same.

You need a dealer does curb service. Our taxi drivers here are (allegedly) very helpful. I doubt Uber provide the same level of accommodation…

I dunno, I’m not attracted to Aeropresses, and as for pencils that I’ve bought cars for less money than, well, I’d take fantasy novels and hairgrips (which have a multitude of uses).

And yet, we disagree. :slight_smile:


If all boingboing commentators could be grouped together like that, there would be little point in reading the comments. Naturally, though, it’s not enough to be different-- contrarians bore me.

Did I forget the winky face that time?

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