Texas cops seize lawn-sign depicting GOP elephant as sexual predator

It’s worse than you think. The sign was confiscated after Texas Republican agriculture commissioner Sid Miller, who’s up for re-election, complained about it on Facebook. Sadly, his Democratic opponent, Kim Olson did not support the sign-maker’s First Amendment rights either.

Meanwhile, someone gave the Rubs a new logo…


How about a mashup of a poster printing site, a lawn-sign sign-up site, and a crowdfunding site? I would gladly fund a neighbor of Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commissioner, to place on their lawn.

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Hmm. That comes from

The question you have to ask yourself is whether or not the “The Loverseven came close to meeting Stewart’s conception of what hard core Pornography was. And in Potter’s mind, that was the real line between protected speech, and speech that could be banned. Everything else was protected.

If someone shows you a molehill, and asks you to differentiate it from a mountain, you needn’t quibble over the dividing line between hills and mountains (305m, apparently).

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"featured a political animal taking an inappropriate position with a young child,”

Our elected officials don’t seem to have a problem real life political animals.

Hollywood supports inappropriate and young children.

Even the Church seems to just move around their animals.

So the message is, signs are not ok, but we tolerate inappropriate real life animals in our leaders, state and spiritual, and our idols?

We do seem to have an opioid problem in this country.

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  1. it is deeply messed up and fascist that cops took this upon themselves

  2. speaking as a survivor who has been extremely active in organizing local #metoo work, this sign is gross and unnecessarily triggering.

Cops had no right to take it down and fuck cops, and also it was a dumb and triggering thing to put up in the first place. No heroes in this story.

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Too much hyperbole is never enough.


Isn’t gross and triggering the exact point? A blackout drunk, who’s been accused of sexual assault by multiple women AND perjured himself multiple times in front of the US Senate regarding these accusations, has just been confirmed to the SCOTUS.

I’m hoping you can elaborate on your statement this is “unnecessarily” triggering.


I don’t see how one can address the issue without running the risk of triggering someone. The issue itself is inherently potentially triggering.


I’m just trying to be courteous to our new member.


He considered the sign child pornography, and his response was to distribute it on Facebook?


The message is: signs I disagree with are not ok. And “I” will always be whoever wields power in the venue in question. Especially if the sign is effective!

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Need to be very careful here. This kind of logic can easily be turned on survivors to silence them. “We can’t let this kind of discussion happen in a public forum, someone might get triggered.”. I repect your feelings, I am a survivor myself, but allowing the quieting of voices on our side by the fascists in the name of “protecting” ourselves will not end well.


Not a problem if there aren’t any nipples.



One could argue that it definitely isn’t a kid because kids can’t vote. “Your vote matters.” Grown women have the right to vote–children do not.


It will make a dandy Internet meme, too.

But… judging by the elephant she is standing next to, she’s 8+ feet tall.

Some nosey neighbor called the police and told them they thought the sign was porn. This cop would never have noticed the sign even if he had gone by this property.

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Seriously. The 4th option is, Take it down, Call a lawyer, Put it back up again.

Also, I dont understand what the point of “confiscation” option is. Why would the police offer this? Why would the creator prefer that the police confiscate it rather than taking it down themselves?

Someone already beat me to it:


Holy crap, Pete! Project much? Maybe that was the best figure the artist could draw? And even if it were a young child, the GOP are the party that supported Roy Moore. SO… fuck you, you fucking fuckers!

I hope LOTS of people are also inspired. I am as well!

Well, there we go. I’m still inspired to do something though. Maybe have the elephant trunk holding a cork.

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