Texas lawmaker introduces bill chastising Texans for using the Chilean flag emoji



ok, now I’m finished derailing. promise! :smile:


And I think the actual reason it general gets injected into the discourse at all is not about the subtles of german interwar political parties, but to note that pretty much all the bad things can be pinned to progressives. [quote=“SheiffFatman, post:116, topic:95496”]
Fascism needs an in-group and an out-group: race has been the most common discriminator, but it is not the only possible one.

True. But we’re talking about history here and race/ethnicity WAS the factor employed historically. [quote=“SheiffFatman, post:116, topic:95496”]
nation rather than race

Ethnicity, I’d say, tied to notions of nationhood. The two were seen as inherent and linked. [quote=“SheiffFatman, post:116, topic:95496”]
here were some prominent Jews in the movement

Indeed. Jews under Italian controlled Europe had a better fate than Jews in German controlled Europe. But some Italian fascists indeed debated whether or not Jews could be real Italians. And once Germany began to conquer territory, the Italians tended to defer to Hitler, despite them being the first out of the gate with a fascist government. And then the Germans sought to enforce their views of race on Italians.


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