Texas police tell little girl she is in "big trouble" for buying school meal with $2 bill


@subextraordinaire makes an excellent point; I’ve never seen anyone use a pen on any bill smaller than a twenty.

Now I guess it’s possible that the school in question has a policy for checking all incoming currency, but somehow I don’t think its very probable.


Well, the school clearly has a policy of checking the currency from anyone who isn’t white.


Funny thing about the so called “race card”; lots of people of color in the US are like me - we often go out of our way to avoid using it, giving most people and situations every ‘benefit of the doubt’, sometimes even up to a point where its almost detrimental to us.

We scrutinize the facts as we know them, and we are careful about not throwing such accusations around casually; because we don’t want to be seen as “whiny victims” with a “persecution complex,” and we want our legitimate concerns to be taken seriously when real injustice and grievances occur.

That being said, there are times when disbelief can simply not be suspended, and you just have to acknowledge the fucking elephant in the room… because it’s fucking crushing people beneath its immense weight.


it really wasn’t much of a thing then and besides, the point of the $2 bill is that it’s legal tender that stores don’t keep a place for in their register so it stands out when it’s used like that. the air force did that one month when my dad was stationed in hawaii in the 50s and there had been some incidents of poor treatment of airmen by the local merchants.

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I thought Tubman was going to be put on a 40.

Please tell me that you’re not making the stupid, lazy racist joke that I think you’re making.


You need a new username.


Or from racetracks.

It’s a good thing she didn’t try to spend it at Taco Bell. http://www.snopes.com/business/money/tacobell.asp Tell me, when did Boing Boing become The Onion?

I assumed it was a reference to forty acres, malt liquor bottles didn’t even occur to me until your post. Am I giving @comedian too much credit?

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