Texas will hand out free DNA kits so you can ID your child after the next school massacre

I mean, seriously! How much more than nothing can anyone really expect? If you can be identified, at least you can get buried. And the state has your DNA, which I am sure will not be used for any nefarious purposes at all.


Is this just a stunt; or a tacit admission that current Texas law enforcement coverage is so bad that it doesn’t necessarily cover identification of victims even in high-profile multiple homicides?

That’s one of the more dramatic indicators of state failure; when not only are the bodies piling up(whether due to war, famine, or plague) but the administrative capacity to ID and record them no longer exists. (Though, this being Texas, it could also be part of a deliberate plan by some billionare whackjob to starve the ‘collectivist’ security apparatus until only JusticePlus™ subscribers are eligible for anything but stop and frisk).


I just think it proves that many States only support unborn kids or dead ones, unfortunately not the inbetween.


Ah, but have they tried “Prayers and Thoughts,” or “Thoughts or Prayers”? There are so many more options!

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For that to work, you would have to have people who give a shit about torn up children. The 2A jackasses do not give a shit, and it’s part of the MAGA coalition that currently has a stranglehold on the GOP. You should show them a thousand dead children’s bodies torn up, and they’d applaud the effectiveness of the weapon used. Dead children is worth the price so that they can feel like they have a chance to overthrow the government when it’s “too communist.”

Besides, the media would not show it anyway - none of the mainstream outlets at least.


The mainstream outlets didn’t publish the Emmet Till photo either, at least at first. It still made an enormous impact.

We don’t need to convince all the gun nuts in order to have a chance for real change. I doubt that many avowed racists changed their minds as a result of Till’s lynching. We need to reach reasonable people who have so far found it too easy to do nothing.


I’d argue that it would be far easier to get an image out now, because of the diversity of media that exists - which is a double-edged sword. Everyone would probably see it, just like they saw George Floyd murdered in an awful 9 minute video… The people who need to be reached would not care and they would call it fake news anyway or react as I noted above.

This is just not the 1950s, and too many people do not care about dead children.

No, we just have to convince the politicians that they vote for, who will not vote for meaningful gun control laws as long as their constituents turn out the vote on 2A issues and the gun lobby are lining their pockets.

The reasonable people DO want to do something. They are just as horrified by the modern state of affairs as we are. Gun control is a popular topic. So is single payer and abortion rights and protecting the rights of minority groups, etc, etc, etc. All of these issues are widely popular. Yet here we are…


According to recent polling just under half of independents rate gun control as “very important” when deciding who to vote for in 2022. That’s not nothing, but nowhere near as high as it needs to be.

And there’s a big difference between caring about something and taking tangible action. I don’t know about you, but personally it’s been a little while since I’ve made a donation to a gun control advocacy group. Maybe it’s time that I be shocked into taking greater action myself.

Setting the utter insanity of this aside for a moment, let’s address the other utter insanity: isn’t this, from a MAGA standpoint, a kind of “Socialism”?

I’m aware that it’s a popular position, as I said. But as long as we have a gerrymandered system that rewards extremism on the right, then nothing is going to change on that.

We could all do more, of course. But as long as the system is rigged like it is, then it’s far more difficult than it should be.


As proven by practically zero useful changes in gun control since every school shooting ever.


And of course, when we did have an assault rifle ban, mass shootings went down… But try telling that to 2A extremists…


No thanks, they’re probably armed. :grimacing:

Because everybody else is. I think that’s the main reason…

Guess it’s all worth it though if this makes it easier to get the right toe tag on a bit of a kid when the next shooting happens.


Oh great. Look for DeSantis to scramble and get similar garbage passed as law in Florida. But probably a bit worse, because these two are in some sort of sick fascist game of oneupmanship.


DeSantis will throw in a free Hello Kitty body bag or something like that.
Bought from a company run by one of his buddies.



Yes, and then at the post-horrific shooting press conference, he will thank them up front before talking about the senseless tragedy.


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