Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/12/22/the-1994-denise-richards-movie.html
I picked up the limited edition Blu-Ray during Vinegar Syndrome’s Black Friday sale and I’m looking forward to my time off between Christmas and New Year to watch that and a number of other films and TV shows I’ve been stockpiling.
Denise Richards … yesss … Denise Richardsss …
Wait, it’s coming back to me now – Starship Troopers – a perfect union of acting limitations and script writing limitations:
A lady of many talents - who can forget her definitive portrayal of a nuclear physicist in the form of Doctor Christmas Jones from one of those mid 1990s Bond movies we all pretend never to have seen.
Wow! I never knew this movie existed - I can only assume anything with dinosaurs was being green lit after Jurassic Park; but even so, can you imagine the pitching meeting?
‘It’s like Robocop, except - and you’re going to love this - he’s a dinosaur! Ooooh I got goosebumps!’
For a moment I thought you were talking about another movie:
You can find a humorous review of the original here:
My grandmother bought me this on VHS when I was little and I still think about it.
90s Paul Walker and Hot Paul F Tompkins in the same thread?! What am I even supposed to do with all these boners?
Now what was I doing in 1994 that made me miss this cinematic delight?
I recall this came up on Cracked at least once. Now, where was it again?
But of course:
Followed by the Gor cut.
With that level of acting, the writers of Chernobyl must be kicking themselves they didn’t get her to explain the workings of an RBMK to the audience.
I look forward to this classic being restored to all its glory. The return of those deleted scenes will really make it a more dignified movie and… er, maybe not.
The one (two?) I did see, I cannot remember, at all, so does that count?
An even younger Walker appeared in another classic of the genre, Monster In The Closet. It would be interesting to see that with some added gore shots as well.
I miss Paul Walker. Not only was he charming and fun in the big, dumb, and fun Fast and Furious franchise (before it went off the rails into pure comic book superhero fantasy), he seemed like a swell guy, too.
Not a direct tie-in, but I guess we can expect an uptick in the sales of dinosaur erotica:
Taken by the T-rex
The wikipedia page for this flick turned up some good stuff:
(Director) Stewart Raffill says he was approached by a man who owned theatres in South America who had an animatronic T Rex which was going to a park in Texas. “The eyes worked. The arms moved. The head moved. He had it for two weeks before it was going to be shipped to Texas and he came to me and said, “We can make a movie with it!” I said, “What’s the story?” and he said, “I don’t have a story, but we have to start filming within the month!” and so I wrote the story in a week.”
Raffill says all the locations were within 25 minutes of his house. He has stated there was a large fire which took place during the shoot, and that as a result, smoke can be seen in some shots.