Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/18/the-6-legged-walker-of-cmu-19.html
Looks like something Survival Research Laboratories would have built - minus giant saws and/or flame throwers…
This is from a tear in the space-time continuum and is in fact the Mark II prototype for The Luggage.
Needs more Sapient Pearwood.
Nowadays this walker fits on the head of a pin.
And it communicates with your refrigerator to let Amazon know you’re out of milk.
1962 GE Walking Truck
This machine achieves impressively little motion for all its complexity and power. The designers must have had something else in mind.
I know this is very early robotics, but that is the derpiest vehicle I’ve ever seen.
A large less derpy hexapod robot from cerca 1982/83, that could reportedly cary up to 400kg/900lbs and navigate unfamiliar stairs and hallways. It always reminded me of something that would have been seen on Tatooine being sold by Jawas.
Source: uncited video from circa 1983, clip via youtube
“The most useful robots will be those with mobility and versatility…”
See Odetics Odex 1 via TheOldRobots.com
See also CyberneticZoo.com: Odex 1, Stephen J. Bartholet engineer(?)
I would like to think of those slow, clumsy movements as baby steps. Gotta inefficiently lumber before you can cartwheel.
Unfortunately the Mark III footage** did not make it through the tear.
The Mark III prototype included the full Sapient Pearwood shell. However, I’ve done a forensic analysis of the video and I can confirm that, as shown below, parts of the chassis were indeed Sapient Pearwood in the Mark II.
** Apologies for unintentional pun.
Or ant gallop.
The gait uses two sets of three legs, pushing airborne off the front, opposite mid and rear leg, then landing on the other triad, repeat.
Was reading CMU as MCU and was concerned.
I went to CMU, 95 - 97.
While I walked by the Field Robotics Building literally every day, I never saw any cool limb’d robots like this.
I did see:
Early self-driving trucks (military style) rolling around the park just south of campus.
A cylindrical robot that rolled around the computer science building. I think it was a computer vision project. It would quietly announce things. (“I see a door.” “I see a corner.”)
At least three 6 legged derpfest can make it over small bumps.
Speaking of 1980’s robots…
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