That’s pretty great, though at this point I have a history of terrible character names like Yolo Jones, Cliff Wobbledonger, or Wellby Waterbun. They’ve become my human or halfling names when I play a game with those options.
I had a period of thinking up Star Wars names too like Toohil Ryant, Thaali Nado, or San Kenuun. I was a little upset that my players never found the small planet of liberated droids that took organic names though (I named it all after the village from Seven Samurai).
I bought a Samsung Gear headset off of Amazon, that works off of my cellphone. There’s not a lot of content available for it, but one thing I can do is can watch Netflix in a VR living room, with a virtual screen the size of a movie theater.
It’s interesting, but regardless of what I watch, I can’t shake the guilty feeling I have sitting alone in my own little world, watching a movie, but I know I wouldn’t feel the same guilt if I were watching the same movie on my regular television. Something about shutting myself off from the real world seems wrong to me.