The best thing you will read about the revelation that Captain America was a Nazi spy

Which is akin to darker and edgier Superman. A ploy to appeal to whiny jaded 13 year olds and their college age big brothers.

The whole point of Supes and Cap is that they are the very opposite of dark and edgy. They are bright eyed and idealistic.

If I wanted dark and edgy I would have read a badly drawn Rob Liefield Marvel title (yes I am dating myself badly here). One where everyone has impractical multi-barelled firearms, superfluous bladed weapons and no feet. Or a Batman title where everyone’s expression is clenched teeth and grimacing in pain. (except for Batgirl, that one has a sense of fun)


The Iliad’s societal ideals are:

  1. The gods are a fickle and arbitrary bunch and humans suffer when caught in the middle of their tussles
  2. Never mess with another guy’s abducted war prize rape victim

The Odyssey actually has a good deal to say about the “Law of Hospitality” which was pervasive in the ancient world (and even made its way to the Bible with the story of Sodom and Gommorah):

  1. Don’t fuck with gods or their kids
  2. Don’t kill and roast cattle belonging to any of them
  3. Try not to act like a pig when you are a guest of a sorceress, lest she turn you into one
  4. Don’t fuck with a widow and her estate. (The suitors were raping the maids, pillaging the fields and eating Penelope out of house and home)
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longer than that. no sense of anatomy at all. i still don’t get what people saw in his art other than something to giggle at.


Hey, don’t forget about Gwen Stacy…

I have been trying. You are not helping.


Wasn’t Hydra formed after the war? Like while Cap America was a corpsicle (and all the Caps from the 1950’s vanished from memory?)

In five years, after Hydra has turned the whole world into its golf course, the comic will end while Cap shakes Bucky and says “Honey, wake up, you won’t believe the dream I just had."



Current stories have Hydra being around for a few thousand years.

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Homer’s works did remind the Greeks of their societal ideals, his characters were everywhere in Greek art, literature, and culture. I’m more horrified at the idea of comparing any comic book to works that were basically a mix of the Bible and Shakespeare to the Greeks. Ancient Greek culture is not a fit for the modern world in many respects, but they were just making a comparison to comic books being in that role, not saying they were modeling their cultural values on Homer.

The Hellenes were a bunch of little city-states that were in near constant war, so a warrior culture was part of their ideal. While I can’t say Odysseus’ murder of the suitors could possibly be justified to a modern mind, Odysseus was a king who returned to see a group of armed, violent, self-centered rogue leaders stealing from his palace, damaging his kingdom, all while trying to steal his wife. His options really were to open himself up and either die at their hands or capture them, either way sparking political chaos for his family, and his kingdom, or take them out. A Greek would have seen them as leaders who showed no fitness to lead in any respect (Homer worked carefully to illustrate them violating every Greek cultural value) and not found their murders all that jarring even if it’s horrible to a modern mind. The murder of the maidservants mostly shows the horrible misogyny of ancient Greek culture.

The Iliad is in many ways a reflection on the damaging effects of pride and anger (during a war) and what it took for Achilles to finally deal with that, and is actually sort of interesting on that topic, if still not at all psychologically healthy.

Hector might have been a ‘nice guy,’ but as the greatest warrior of the Trojans he had to die. Diomedes was the Greek ‘nice guy’ and didn’t finish last at all. Astyanax doesn’t die in a Homeric work, but he was a Trojan, so he was as doomed as they all were.

Odysseus was a villain to the Romans for a lot of reasons (his use of wits over direct violence wasn’t Roman, they were always suspicious of the clever ones, and he came up with the plan that destroyed their mythological origin city of Troy), and Dante was working with that material while he never read Homer.

Totally agreed that the Greek heroes are not heroes in the comic book sense, though. Comic books aren’t really a universal mythological source for a civilization’s culture.


Ugh! I was trying to pretend that wasn’t the case on Agents of Shield TV.

Frankly with all the retconning, annoying storylines, and artists drawing out their personal wank fantasies, I have been avoiding superhero comic books for a while. I have been sticking mostly to film/TV versions of comic book heroes. Its less confusing.


Don’t forget the pouches. So many pouches…


Yah, I used to be a die hard DC fan but new52 just bugged me. Haven’t picked up any from the major labels since.
If you like fun comics, I highly recommend Atomic Robo (whole archive is now online for free too!)

I found the ancient twist of hydra on AoS nice and a good way to keep hydra relevant no matter how many times we keep defeating them.

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In best Marlon Brando from 1979 voice: “The pouches, the pouches”


I am asking as someone who didn’t grow up with DC/Marvel comics and doesn’t know much about them, but isn’t that how the big franchises work openly? I thought every few years you got a new take on the same basic characters and settings and while up to a point that is acknowledged in-universe (alternate universes/timelines…) effectively the different incarnations of Captain America don’t have that much more to do with each other than all the various Robin Hoods.

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Captain America being a Hydra spy makes perfect sense as soon as you realize that Hydra is actually the protagonist. We’ve all been duped since the beginning. :scream:

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Not according to the new information that Cap’s mom was a Hydra member.

Yeah, seriously.

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Atomic Robo! Clevenger and Weneger are so much fun.

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I actually have a tattoo appointment to get the tesladyne logo (my current avatar) on my left shoulder.

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Ah well, done it again. Post deleted.