The biggest abortion lie of all: "They do it for the money"

Great Post, Cory. THANK YOU.

First, EXCELLENT VOCABULARY. The current fight over access to abortion is about fending off aggressive anti-choice politicians, not about picking fights with our fellow citizens who are sincerely Pro-life.

Second, Yes: from a financial standpoint, every Planned Parenthood in the country would be better off if they focused on woman’s health issues and stopped abortions. But then they would not be honestly addressing women’s health issues, would they? So we Planned Parenthood supporters keep up our commitment to supporting women, however problematic the money or the politics.

Quick Summary from my viewpoint:

My discussions with Pro-Life people boil down to “What is a human life?” and “Who decides?” Framed that way, there is an amazing amount of agreement, and what is left is a difficult set of questions Western Civilization has been wrestling with for over two thousand years. [*] Little wonder we’re still dis-agreeing

When fighting anti-choice politics, like TRAP laws and the kind of mis-information Cory is calling out, I am fighting against people ( generally midde aged white guys) who are willing to heap on misery (generally poor) women in pursuit of their vision of a “traditional” America most of American has in fact left behind.

[*] The Chinsee and Indians have presumably been at this longer; I just don’t know those cultures well enough.