Originally published at: The Black Hole's V.I.N. CENT and B.O.B. action figures | Boing Boing
This movie is the epitome of what Holly-weird calls a “turkey”.
I rememberd liking that movie, so I made my family watch it. My memory was flawed. It was nowhere as good as I remember it, but I did like Vincent and B.O.B.
In time they will forgive you.
This is true, but like many Hollywood movies, if you see it at the right age (before your critical thinking skills have fully developed) you can still maintain an affection for it even while acknowledging its rather profound weaknesses.
I had the original toy figures as a kid in the 80s
I don’t know if it will be any time soon. I’m going to have them watch “Spies like Us” and “Sneakers” and see if my memory is better on how those movies were.
I have made my daughter watch through a lot of these with me. Willow was a hit. ET made her cry and she still hates me for it. Goonies she barely remembers seeing.
My Son will never take my sage advice after the 60’s & 70’s war genres flicks. I may done some damage there…
Sneakers, I still love. The jokes are just too good. Spies Like Us, I never even liked, so no big loss.
I grew up in the 70’s watching sci-fi, adventure, and fantasy films from the late 50’s and 60’s on weekday afternoons after school. If you can love watching Harryhousen movies and such, it’s easy to love The Black Hole. If you started with Star Wars or later, its can get pretty rough. Theach the children well and you’ll be fine.
“action figures”? They floated! (“well, swung on not so ‘hidden’ strings”) so why not drone versions of them?
By the bye, did Disney anticipate a sequel to The Black Hole? kinda left us hanging there with the Maximilian/Maximilian Schell robot fusion devil on his mount doom. (“is hell behind every black hole? or do some have starbucks?”)
We watched Willow when they were very young and I doubt they remember it. We should rewatch that and Labyrinth.
As a bobling, I had a bitchin’ pop-up book of this movie, but I remember being vaguely traumatized by the movie itself, and only partly because the lonely robot called B.O.B. is abused by the other robots for years, until he finally makes one friend and is then killed.
doesn’t it also have a machine which puts people into a cyborg body or something and takes all their free will away? good times. perfect for young children
i did really like the spaceship models and also the arboretum scenes. still too few jungles in these new fangled space stations for my taste.
Hey, that picture’s not from the movie!
I originally saw it when I was young enough to be sucked in, and that indoctrination still holds to a certain extent. Ok, weak script, and most of the actors don’t strive to overcome it, but a great look and score still lets it work for me reasonably well.
Allow me some artistic license.
Sneakers holds up actually. You do need to view in it’s historical setting since it was on the cusp of the rise of the internet changing everything but it still totally works.
Yes, there is a scene where Anthony Perkins pulls the mirrored faceplate off one of the cowled “robots” to reveal that there is an emaciated ex-human ghoul inside. You know, for kids.
This thread remound me that I currently have Disney+, so I just watched the movie, and I can report that it’s pretty much as folks remember. I hadn’t realised how much Event Horizon is a straightforward remake of it (though more coherent and less stylish). Which is kind of demented, given this was a G-rated Disney picture.