The carnivorous moon-worm story hiding in plain sight in the diary of early Antarctic explorer Douglas Mawson

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“Australian science fiction author Sean Williams (previously) is an Australian Antarctic Division Arts Fellow, who got to live in the Antarctic while researching an alternate War of the Worlds retelling.”
How do I sign up for a gig like this?


From Williams’ website:
"I was the 2016/17 Australian Antarctic Division’s Arts Fellow. My current project is a novel based on the experiences I had down there. This is not that story!

And hey, Boing Boing picked this up with a great ‘shop: [BB pic] "


I would imagine it helps to be a very good, very successful writer.

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I write very creative memos, would that help?

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I can do this!

The great worm spat a paralyzing fluid upon us [3851]


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