The connection between Alzheimer's and life, itself


Sometimes I look at this kind of stuff and think there must be a ‘life’ setting on the universe-dial.

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“You were made as well as we could make you.”
“But not to last.”

Surely there are preventative measures that can be taken that would reduce the number of people who end up with Alzheimer’s. Or maybe that’s my technophilia bias at play. There was an article in the New York Times that suggested it might be Type 3 Diabetes that’s the cause. If that were the case, it’d be easier to prevent than the cause being a byproduct of life itself.

There is a good deal of debate about the roll of protein plaques in Alzheimer’s. I follow dementia research as best I can (I am not a scientist) but at least one attempt at fighting the plaques seemed to have accelerated the Alzheimer’s. So there is a theory that some other mechanism is causing the brain damage associated with Alzheimer’s and that the plaques are a defense mechanism. But dementia research is difficult, it is not a disease.

But back to the paper which is really about protein plaques. It is very interesting and I wish I had the background to better understand it.

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