The Democratic Party is surging thanks to leftist policies, but its leadership are convinced they have to stop it

Maybe they could try actually delivering on universal health care, then. It’s extremely popular these days.




Uh, what is your point here? We elect governments that spend years, ages without getting anything done.


It is worth noting that Trent Lott, a Republican, thought that leading Republicans was like unto herding cats. Republicans. On the other hand, my homeboy Will Rogers once said “I’'m not a member of any organized political party. I’m a Democrat!!!”


DNC is the wet blanket of committees.

Even if most of us agree with the party’s platform, I’m not sure if we should elect a party to run this country when they can’t seemed to get basic things sorted out in its own internal organization.

I guess the DNC only has to not be the worst possible choice out of two. But the GOP sets the bar really low.


I’d despair. But I’m old. And that gives you the freedom of saying whatever in the fucking hell you want. I just wish that I could do that with the grace of John Stewart.


On the contrary…leaked emails, skewed media coverage (including overt broadcasting of superdelegate affiliations months before primaries) and statements from the DNC themself all suggest very strongly that Hillary was indeed picked well before the Democratic primaries kicked off.

Primaries are for reaching for the stars. General elections are for keeping your head down. The DNC and conservative Democrats would have fallen in line with a Bernie candidate eventually, just like the RNC did with its surprise primary winner.



This isn’t magic.

The most important choices made in the democratic party are the ones made by the people who bother to show up and reliably vote in the primaries.

The older, richer people are the ones who do that, historically, so they run the place.

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Or like Canada, where the conservatives keep winning minority governments because there’s just one conservative party vs the 3- 5 liberal parties.

We might get another split on the right. It’d be nice if Bernier took all the frothing racist Reform types off a far-right cliff, and the Conservatives went back to being a bit right-of-centre party.


I’ll tell you what Universe. The Universe where it was revealed that the DNC and the Clinton campaign colluded to stack the contest against Sanders and revealed that they really did not care what the voters thought, and even though a Clinton victory was likely they still worked to manipulate the results, and as a result came across to the nation as cheaters and drove even more voters to Trump. After this circus the DNC deemed it wise to continue with Clinton where as in almost every other Universe such an embarrassing disclosure would have led to the retirement of the candidate and the abdication of the contest to Sanders. And so every good Dem soldier would have fallen into line, the DNC would have maintained the ethical high ground, and we would be winging about our Socialist President right now.


We had the chance in 2009, and what happened? Obama cut a deal with the insurance companies, stacked the committee with the most conservative pharma- and insurance-funded Democrats, immediately declared that single-payer was “off the table” and then offered more concessions to the Republicans. After that he got rid of the public option, drug re-importation and using the government’s buying power to lower prescription drug prices.

That was when the Democrats had the House and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. The billionaire-fellating Inner Party will never, ever allow a sane healthcare plan to pass. At most they’re for it in principle when they’re out of power.


The DNC leadership are very keen on leftist policies, if that proves to be a method of getting votes. They probably miscalculated when they assumed that the newly energized young voters would remain faithful to Pelosi and the like.
They did not spend all that money to get a bunch of teenage commies elected to office.

I don’t think the top DNC people are really passionate about any issue, except reelection. I heard it claimed during the last election, that if Clinton’s focus groups determined that bringing back slavery would lead to her sweeping the election, she would be talking like Colonel Sanders, and starting every campaign rally with a rendition of “Dixie”.
I don’t think the GOP are any different.




Nixon would be a progressive Democrat by today’s standards with his anti-war, pro-environment, pro-diplomacy, pro-affirmative action, and pro-laborer policies. He also supported single payer healthcare.

Not saying he wasn’t a horrible president or person - but by today’s standards he would be branded an extreme left socialist by Fox News with some of his policies.


Do you have a 12 step plan to return the left to power?

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Keep in mind that Justice Dems & Brand New Congress are the moderate wing of the left. They’re mostly fairly centrist social democrats.

Left of them are the DSA-aligned candidates, then the DSA grassroots, then the serious radicals.

If you’re looking for a possible compromise between the left and the liberals, the Justice Dems are it. That’s as far right as it can go while retaining a chance of success.



There’s a fair chance that they would’ve repeated the McGovern bastardry, though.

Probably not by campaigning for Trump, but they might’ve put up a third candidate as a spoiler. Or just continued to sabotage Bernie in the media.

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And they are going to get exactly nowhere with that unless they get a solid majority in at least one chamber of the Congress. People complaining about Democrats not delivering seem all too often ignore the basic realities of how the US government works.

That’s an interesting universe, but as far as I can tell, it’s not the one we’re inhabiting.

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No chance, zero. DFN was a completely irrelevant bit of masturbatory self-publicity for Connally.

It is easy to hate on the DNC, but today’s DNC leadership is not the 2016 leadership. The current leaders have pretty solid progressive credentials (possibly excepting the two who are in as nominal members by virtue of their day jobs, Pelosi and Schumer).

However, even the 2016 leadership would not have preferred Trump over Sanders, the idea is ludicrous.