The Dow is on track for its worst weekly slide since the 2008 financial crisis

Those posts get flagged and removed.

It’s been pointed out, time and again, that the guillotine is a warning not a wish.

Sorry in advance, but that’s clueless. People in poverty are the ones hurt first and most when there’s a recession.


Let me use a term I learned here: that is garbage language.

threats and wishes delineated to make oneself sleep better at night.

I’m out. enjoy the thread and your threats of heads will roll.

Did you actually read that article? It bears no relationship to our discussion. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Pretty different than actively wishing and spreading memes about RGB dying, wishing her dead. Also publishing news that she’s near death:

I think this misses the point that these financial disaster ms are a fundamental feature of our economic system. Boom and bust. There was no way it was not going to happen eventually, and if you look at the kind of indicators that have preceded recessions in the past, it was overwhelmingly likely to happen in the next two years. Given that, all other things being equal, I think it’s better if it happens in the year before the election than the year after. Once it gets to this point in the cycle, anything can trigger the sell off.

That said, all other things are not equal, and I’m seriously worried about this impending pandemic. I think it is likely to stress lots of parts of our system to the point of breaking, and the consequences of that will be terrible.



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Read through the end or you’ll miss the good parts.


the one problem with it happening now is that this administration is deliberately incapable. a later administration might have a response to temper the damage.

( which is really the point of both warren and sander’s campaigns. when all the wealth is at the top, and the banks are behaving badly, the damage is greater than it needs to be during a recession.

warren, fwiw, was apparently one of the few people predicting the damage of the last downturn before it happened, and later tried - though failed - to convince obama to change the focus to homeowners during the recovery. )


Robotman sums my feelings on this.


And? What they do is irrelevant to this discussion. Celebrating an economic crash when it will deeply impact the lives of many, many people will not bring them to our side… it will further entrench them on Trump’s side.


Yes, I’m aware that’s how many people think the economy works. which is what I said upthread about the economy since reagan. this is not a natural phenomenon, it’s about choices made by policy makers. The postwar economy was remarkable stable, by comparison and was for quite a while. Reagan permanently broke the cycle of government intervention to keep the boom and bust cycles more in check. See also, Thatcher in the UK, and neo-liberalism more generally. Complexity does not equal inevitably and force of nature… it just equals complicated.

But AGAIN celebrating people’s misforture to be on the short end of the stick HELPS NOTHING, which was the point I was addressing.


At this point, with what we know about the administration’s criminally incompetent mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak (actually importing the virus to the US and helping it spread!) there is no need for a recession to boot them. If facts mattered in any way, shape, or form, Trump is toast.

However, facts haven’t mattered yet. Why would they start mattering now?


The only thing they’ll do with a recession is blame it on the democratic party, and their hardcore supporters will lap it up, it will leak out into the mainstream media, but told and retold as truth for some amount of time, and even if corrected, will still be believed by enough people to make a difference who will either not vote or vote republican.


Or China, or techbros (not far off but still not right), or whatever minority they hate the most. People aren’t rational until they have to be.


This thread:


Lets not forget intentional abuse in unnecessary detention.


That is true of literally any economic system. Economics is not based on any laws of nature, it’s all based on the context of policy decisions that people can do differently if they want to. It is ideology, much more than science.

When I’m talking about “our economic system,” I’m talking about the system we’ve had in the US for my entire life, not some other system that we had before I was born, or might have in the future.

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You do realize that people believe that, right?

But never mind. I don’t need to be condescended to yet again.

Have a good day.


I recall hearing once, “People who say, ‘You have to break some eggs to make am omelette’ seem to break a shitload of eggs without producing any omelettes.”

The distinction between threat and warning is “garbage language”? When I tell my kids the stove is hot that is not a threat.

This is my one quibble with something you said far above about beating Trump on merits as opposed to because of terrible things happening at random. It’s grotesque to hope for a pandemic that kills 2% of Americans. If that does happen and then Trump loses, though, that will be a loss on merit. Not to say that any administration can prevent that, but if it does happen then the incompetent administration deserves whatever blame they get.


Totally fair quibble.

Just to keep things on the OG topic, it’s not just COVID-19 that is leading to ghoulish glee; as this thread has shown, it’s also the risk of recession. Whether people are hoping for one or the other to affect the election, it doesn’t matter. They are both grotesque and creepy.


Yes, but I didn’t say that.

Sorry, that wasn’t called for.