Falcor was a huge part of why I got involved in the BBS in the first place, and I’ll continue to do everything I can to live up to our Luckdragon’s legacy here.
Best of luck, my friend.
Falcor was a huge part of why I got involved in the BBS in the first place, and I’ll continue to do everything I can to live up to our Luckdragon’s legacy here.
Best of luck, my friend.
@Falcor is a mod among mods in my mind for not just his legacy of a more civil BBS but also, in one particularly noisy thread, shutting it down for three hours with instructions to ‘go the fuck outside’.
Wherever you go, it’s gonna end up being a better place just because you’re there.
Much peace and love, my favorite luck dragon.
It’s been an honor and privilege knowing you.
As well as echoing the sentiments of everyone else in this thread, I want to add that your tremendous efforts also have the legacy of being a touchstone for me whenever my boss gets it in her crazy head to start a forum for professionals in our field. Saying “Do you know any tireless, endlessly patient luck dragons we could wrangle into keeping the peace?” is a nice conversation starter
Sorry the diet wasn’t more interesting.
Good bye, fare well and may never a troll cause you indigestion.
Given recent changes, I’m not so sure that’s true.
Ciao, Falcor. Thanks for letting a newbie bend your ear (probably one of many) while learning the ropes. You take care.
Farewell Falcor. You will be missed.
I think it is helpful to have a separate more whimsical mod account, like a falcor. One can only get so mad about having their posts eaten by a luck dragon. A lighthearted touch to a heavy task. Falcor was a mod among mods.
Thanks for all your hard work, and my apologies if I ever made the job even more annoying than it inherently had to be.
Goodbye, Falcor.
End of an era stuff there.
You will be missed by the inhabitants of the bbs.
You will be missed. You will not be forgotten. Thank you for all of your hard work.
Bye @Falcor! Thanks for all you’ve done. You excelled at an incredibly challenging job and I always appreciated your hard work, skill, and fairness.
Always a true voice of calm and moderation in its truest sense. All the likes, Falcor. All the likes.